Sharingan - Kakashi

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Once again, Kakashi found himself lazily laying the shallowest part of the hot springs with Mizuka. Kakashi had never felt more rested in his entire life. He felt completely rejuvenated. But he had the feeling that it wasn't really the rest; it was most likely being reunited with Mizuka. It was nice to sit and talk to her every day and catch up on the past decade.

"You know, it's amazing that your body can handle the Uchiha Kekkei Genkai.  And that you can utilize it is even more incredible."

"It's served me well since Obito gave it to me.  I only wish I could thank him."

"I'm sure he knows, Kakashi. And you look very handsome with it.  And that scar."

This made Kakashi laugh.

"That's nice of you to say, even though I look like shit right now."

"You're looking a lot better."

It was true, he was looking better. The purple and black bruising was beginning to lighten, but he still had a long way to go. And the skin was slowly growing back on his knees and elbows.

"You've always been handsome, Kakashi. Ever since we were kids. You were always so cool, like nothing ever fazed you."

"That's because I thought there was nothing left to faze me by the time you met me. I was an orphan by the age of five. I thought that was as low as it could get. Until my teammates died. Until Rin jumped in front of my chidori. And I... killed her."

Mizuka reached over and took his hand.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to come up."

Kakashi sat up next to her and rested his chin on his scabbed knees.

"I think about them every day. My father, Obito, Rin, Minato Sensei. It's harder to remember my mother. She died when I was a baby. I can vaguely remember her face when I close my eyes. And I have a few pictures. I remember my father much better. I used to walk to the Hokage's office with him before he left on missions. And I would be waiting at the gates when he returned home. I wanted to be just like him. He's been my inspiration, adn he was my biggest comfort. He would tell me stories about my mother while I fell asleep. He pointed out Guy to me as someone to watch."

"He sounded like a wonderful man. I wish I could've gotten to meet him."

"Me too. He would've loved you. Talented and strong. And smart."

He could see Mizuka blush from the corner of his eye. Mizuka put her arms around his shoulders. She tenderly kissed his neck.

"I know it wouldn't be the same, but maybe someday I could be part of your clan."

Kakashi felt his heart skip a beat when he heard those words. He turned to look at Mizuka, who had tears in her eyes.

"I would like nothing more than that."

He turned his head to meet Mizuka's and tenderly kissed her. He could practically feel her body melting into his. She opened her eyes and gazed into his. He pulled her into a loving embrace.

"I love you, Mizuka."

Kakashi dipped her down and laid her in the shallow warm water. He supported her head with his hand; his other hand was against his curvy waist. He kissed her again, gently but more passionately this time. She wrapped an arm around his shoulders, her other hand cradling his head lovingly, pulling him closer. This had been their favorite hiding spot for the past week, exploring each other's matured bodies in the warm, shallow water. Her body was no longer lanky and thin; she now had supple curves and volumptuous breasts. And years of experience with other lovers over the years to make her one of the most skilled lovers he had ever been with. But, he was more experienced as well, and he was eager to put it to practice. Years of disappointing trysts with a slew of women had made him very fluent with his tongue. Mostly, because he wanted the experiences over quickly when he realized they weren't going anywhere, but, in this case, he made the sessions with his tongue between her thighs long and deliciously agonizing. He loved the way she gyrated and begged under his touch. For hours, he whispered sweet wishes for the future between her legs and writing love notes on her clitoris with his tongue. This was so much different than it used to be between them. When they began their secret escapades, Kakashi was mostly worried about himself: how much pleasure he could take from her blossoming body. Now, it was how much he could give to his lover. How many times could he make her say his name? How many times could he make her cum? How long until she practically melted into his arms, kissing him lovingly, completely spent from their lovemaking? Of course, he couldn't help but be a little greedy. He wanted to taste every inch of her sweet skin, over and over again. It had been so long. And every inch tasted even better after a long, passionate lovemaking session. One where there tongues touched after Kakashi reappeared after he delved deeply between his soulmates legs.

"I love you, too, Kakashi."

Mizuka breathed the words into his ear, making his body rigid and excited.

"Can I tell you something, Mizuka?"

"Of course, my love."

He shifted nervously, thinking carefully about his next words.

"Mizuka, I've loved you for the past ten years. Thoughts of you... thoughts of us, together, have kept me going. I-I dreamed of our wedding while I was in the torture chamber. While they were... trying to kill me. It's a little embarrassing, telling you all of this. Thoughts of you... kept me alive."

Mizuka said nothing. She stared into the thin water at the rocks below.


She looked up at him lovingly, with tears in her eyes.

"I've dreamed about you as well. About a beautiful life with you. All of it. Every night, I prayed that you would show up at my door. I just wish you hadn't had to go through all that to get back to me."

"I'd do it again."

They spent the rest of their evening making love and laughing in the water, enjoying each other's company, and the moonlight, through the steam. They retired back to their room, cuddling and talking and watching overacted shinobi dramas on the tiny tv. Soon, they were falling asleep. But not before Mizuka propositioned Kakashi.

"The cherry blossom festival is in a few days. Would you like to go with me?"

"Of course my love."

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