The Key to Healing - Kakashi

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"After we get you cleaned up, I'm going to do a physical examination to see the extent of your injuries."

Kakashi had woken up to Mizuka sitting next to him, running a gentle hand over his blood matted hair. She was wearing a white shirt, which her black panties peeked out from under its hem, and a pair of thigh high black socks. Nothing else. This helped wake him up a little bit.

"Cleanup, work up, and then some food."

Mizuka helped him sit up and practically carried him to the bathroom, which was quite spacious for the tiny cottage. There was a large soaking tub in the middle of the room, which she placed him in. The tub was already full of sweet smelling water, and there were herbs floating on the top. She placed him in the water carefully, and she followed by taking her shirt off, bottoms, and socks, stepping in next to him. The water was hot and fragrant, smelling like lavender and bringing a calm to his still shaking body. Mizuka sat facing him, her naked breasts enveloped by the water. She had her twisted and pinned to the back of her head, keeping most of it out of the water. This would've have been terribly exciting for him if he wasn't in such poor shape. She looked like she might cry as she began to wash his battered body. Kakashi wanted to make conversation as she worked on him, but he couldn't find the energy to speak. Mizuka must have sensed this, because she quietly began to talk to him.

"I hope the water isn't hurting you too much. You know my philosophy: water is the key to healing. That might just be because I'm a water user, though."

She smiled as she said this. Even though it had been years since Kakashi had actually seen her smile in person, it had never left his memory. It made him smile weakly as well.

"I forgot how beautiful your smile is, Kakashi."

Kakashi began to blush. He hoped that the she mistook the redness in his face among the bruising from the heat of the water. He could tell by her subtle expression that she didn't.

"I've never forgotten how beautiful your smile is."

Mizuka couldn't hold the tears back as he struggled to get the words out. She sobbed as she finished washing him. Kakashi knew that he was in rough shape. He could feel his elbows and knees sting in the hot water, as if they had been ripped open. And it hurt every time he took a breath. But he was alive, and he was with Mizuka, which was all he could ask for and more. He laid there quietly and allowed her to finish washing him, enjoying every moment in spite of the pain.

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