22- A Trashed Home And A Box

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Ivory had never once seen Bella look so excited. She couldn't sit still for longer than a second. The smile she wore was so big she was surprised she hasn't torn her cheeks apart yet. But then again Bella loves my family's extermination business and by extermination Ivory doesn't mean bugs or rodents. She means people extermination. It's basically a business for people who everyone thinks is dead and they're hired out to kill people.

It's kinda like Maddisons group of hitmen and woman. Except Ivorys  isn't hidden and it is incredibly well known for its results. However its not of general public knowledge that the extermination that goes on is people. They belive its bugs and rodents.

She just can't see how people are so stupid. How could a rodent and bug extermination business be a multibillion dollar business that has branches all over the word. People confuse me sometimes. Especially the ones who have normals lives. They live so cluelessly. They have no clue as to what goes on right beneath their noses, nor do they know just how dark the world is in some places. Metaphorically that is.

The car stops and Ivory stiffens. They haven't been driving long enough to be there yet and this is not a place for traffic lights. "Why did we stop?" Leaning to the side she looks out the front window. There was nothing there.

"Bella told us to stop. Said you should look around." Crystal said from the front.

When Ivory looked around horror hits. "Oh no." Throwing the car door open she races over to a house and jump the gate before scrambling up the wall and grabbing the side of the second floor balcony. Swinging up she pushed the already opened door open further and step into the completely trashed bedroom.

Her bedroom. As in Ivory Lockwoods bedroom.

Someone has trashed her house. "No, no, no, no." Staring around the room she snaps out of it and searched through her things. What she's searching for... It's not there. It's not in her room.

Panic sets in as she races from the room to find even more destruction that brought the sharp pricking of tears to Ivorys eyes.

All the family photos lay broken and torn on the ground. Glass shards from the picturframes glisten against the wood. Her phone rings and she answers without seeing who it is. "Ivory? You alright in there?" Bella.

Tears fall silently as she she stood and stared at the childhood memories broken on the ground. "The pictures are broken and torn. My room was turned over. I can't find it Bella. It's gone." Her voice sounded hollow to her ears yet she knew it sounded more so to Bella.

"Should I get Crystal to send Jacob in? Since you claimed him he's less likely to get shot than any of the rest of us." Her suggestion eased the wild beating in her chest so Ivory walked downstairs to the front door.


Bella hangs up as she started to unlock the door. When it gets pushed open Ivory immediately caught Jacobs eye as he climbs from the car. His approach was quick and his hug was gentle. Ivory quietly sobbed into his chest as he rested his chin on her head, rubbing her back with one hand. "Shh. It's alright. I'm here to help you."

Detaching she lead him into thee destruction. He stood frozen in the doorway pain crossing through his eyes at the remembersnce of the day his home was filled with lead. Ivory took his hand and lead him upstairs. "We need to search my room first. I left it in here."

Jacobs hand tightened around hers. "What is it I need to help you find?" His eyes drift over the mess, jumping from one broken item to another.

"A wooden box with a gold lock. It has my name engraved on the lid." Pain ebbed into her chest as Ivory sliped her hand from Jacobs and started her search by where she last remembered seeing it.

Jacob started searching soon after. He didn't ask questions. He was just there helping. The pain increased and she felt more tears slide silently down her cheeks. In her mind she kept repeating, I have to find it. It can't be gone. I need to find it.

They searched for close to an hour before there's a crash behind Ivory and a cry of shock from Jacob. Jumping from behind the pile she was searching through she found Jacob half buried by her things. Her eyes widen when she seez the box in his hand. "You found it." Ivorys hands shook as she walks over and pulls him from under the things. Her eyes fall to his hands. The box was still polished yet the surface now held scratches.

Jacob slid it into her hands slowly. "It was under all those things." Jutting out his chin at the things he was buried under a small smile became visible on Ivoryd face.

"You have no clue as to how grateful I am that you found this." Looking up at him she start crying and laughing at the same time.

He slung an arm around her shoulder and pulled her to his side. "You're welcome." He didn't ask what was inside. He didn't show any curiosity towards it. All he had wanted was to help her.

Takeing the small key from her phone case and unlocking the box, she flicked the lid open to reveal four small metal containers tightly sealed shut. Jacob gasped softly when he read was on their lids. In each container were ashes. Each for a different member of Ivorys family. Engraved into each lid was 'The ashes of ____' with the person's name. "Your family's ashes." Jacobs arm tightened around her.

Nodding she softly closed the lid. "I don't know what I'd do without them." There's a delicate thud from downstairs before soft curses in Spanish that she could barely hear. The voice that said them was muffled through the floor but it was one Ivory knew well and she could not let them get Jacob. They would kill him with no hesitation.

"Jacob get out of here. Run now. You need to leave. Get everyone out of here immediately." She shoves him towards the balcony.

Jacob slid away and yanked me harshly inside. "No." The ferocity in his foice startled Ivory. Scared her even.

"Go away Jacob. You really shouldn't be here." She stared at Jacob in shock and fear.

He grabbed her and held her against the wall, a hard determination etched onto his face. "I'm not leaving until you tell me what the hell is going on."

She could barely breath. "Papa Diablo and Dantes father are here."

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