5- Dinner With Carmen

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When Jacob and his brother got back from soccer practice they were exhausted but knew there was no way they could get out of training. "We could pretend that we got injured." Jamie whispered as they dropped their backs off at their house before walking down towards the gym. Slowly being joined by the others.

"Tried that already last week remember. Didn't work." Jacobs nose wrinkled I disgust.

A wind blew and sent shivers down their spines. A door slammed open ahead of them, halting them all in their tracks as they watch Brett storm out of the gym. He didn't say a word to any of the kids as he passed, only grumbling to himself under his breath. He wore his training clothes, his body coated with sweat. "Ah, what?" Savannah turned to watch her father storm into their house.

"Not sure. But we should go find out." Tyler flicked his chin out towards the gym. Casting glances around they come to a silent agreement and start running.

Scarlet reaches the gym first and snickers back at the ret before they all hurry inside to find a mess. Equipment was everywhere. The chains on the boxing bags were broken, the bags themselves laying on the ground. Some even torn and leaking their sand onto the floor. The poles at the corners of the boxing rings all had the clips holding the elastic ropes broken off. The ropes lay stretching off the mats.

"What the?" Max edged ahead of the group and lead the way to the stairs to the second floor. The knife and archery area.

They grew even more shocked at the sight of targets laying broken from extensive knife damage. Knives and arrows protruding from the middle of almost every single of the handing targets. "I'm almost scared to go see the top floor." Isabella admitted. Not somethig you hear often. She's always been one of the tougher people of the group. Jacob took the lead.

At the top of the stairs he froze. Blocking the way. "Oi, Jacob. What is it?" Jamie pushed through to get to his brother. He too froze. "Oh. Just... Oh."

"What is it? Could you move your ass so we can see." Amy snapped. Slowly Jacob and Jamie walked onto the landed. All eyes were on the sight in front of them. Jaws hanging open they couldn't get over the sight they were seeing.

Target sheets were torn to shreds. Gapping holes right in the middle of them till there was no target left to hit. Bullet shell casings littered the floor and the counters of each booth. "What the hell happened?" Ethan voice was more of a breath than a sound but it didn't really matter. They were all thinking the same thing.

Savannah bent down to touch one of the shells. "Still warm... Wait a minute. What if it was her? You know the ghost killer who suddenly appeared on our couch?" Her eyes widen in horror. Tyler puts an arm around her shoulders, holding her close to his side as he scanned the wreckage.

"Oh please. If it were her she would have cleaned everything up the moment the soccer players finished practice. Knowing that you all train together. Well apart from Ruby of course. But she still comes to watch." The voice came from behind them. A voice they know. Turning slowly they stare speechless at Carmen who stood leaning against the wall casually in her long pants and oversized jumper. A smirk played at her lips. They saw the beads of sweat dotting her brow and rolling down her neck. Snorting she pushed off the wall and walked towards Jacob. "You should spend as much time training as you possibly can because you're going to get a text from you mother that's really going to upset you." Smiling, a dangerous look flashed through her eyes before she walked towards the stairs. The group parting for her. Nobody spoke. All too shocked to form a sound.

"The text will come through in 10 seconds from now." Carmen called over her shoulder as she disappeared from their view.

Just like she said, 10 seconds later Jacobs phone goes off. Slowly he pulls it out and just stares blankly at the screen. "What's it say?" Taylor walked forwards to stand beside him, looking down at his phone. Her eyebrows shot up her forehead in surprise.

"Care to fill in the clueless and concerned?" Dexter waved his hand around in front of him.

Taylor answers for Jacob who just numbly puts his phone back in his pocket. "Crystal has just sent a text saying that she's invited Carmen to have dinner with them before she and Jacob can do the math thing they've been paired up to do." She looks at Jacob, starting to grow concerned by his silence and lack of actions or emotions.

Jamie groans. "Seriously? We have to have dinner with her?" His brother barely nods before slowly going to grab a broom to sweep up the shell casings. Nobody moved, nor spoke. Jacob never cleans. Never. It just isn't something he does. It's worrying that he's going it now.

Breaking out of it the others all join in with the cleaning. Hoping to get Jacob away from it. There were more shell casings than they thought and they still couldn't figure out what Carmen was doing. All except for Scarlet of course who hid away a secret, knowing smile.


"Jacob! Jamie!" The twins froze mid swing at each other. Dread filling their gut.


Crystal walked in and made a beeline to her son's. "You will come home now to clean up for dinner. Do be nice to Carmen. She's had a rough day." She points a finger at them in warning before walking away.

Sulking the two follow. Shoulders drooped, back hunched. "Fix your posture boys. You have proud blood running through your veins so I expect to see it." Their mother snapped before she opened the door.

Their backs straighten immediately. Before Crystal opens the door someone spoke behind them. "Don't be too hard on them Mrs Fleming. They're not too excited about me staying for dinner. It's all too understandable why. I'm not a well liked person. It's hard for people to get a log with me. Just give them a bit of a break. If it is too much then I can gladly leave and do the study with Jacob at school during a free period." Slowly the tree turn to see Carmen standing there with her hands hidden in the deep pockets of her large jumper.

A flicker of something went off in Jacobs chest. He couldn't quite figure out whether it was hope or disappointment. He isn't always able to tell the difference. What he saw on Jamie's face however was definitely hope. Hope that their mother would let her leave.

But when they looked back at their mother they saw worry. "No it's, it's fine. Please come in. The boys just need to go change and wash up first." She snapped out of it and pushed open the door, hurrying inside.

Jacob and Jamie slowly follow before heading up towards their rooms. "I'm incredibly confused. You?" Jacob hissed to his brother as he puts his hand on the doorknob to open it. Jamie does the same as he nods.

"Never been so confused in my life." With that they turn and enter their rooms to get ready. Both quickly to avoid angering their parents but also delaying slightly due to not fully wanting to go down for dinner with Carmen.

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