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Ivory Lockwood

Standing there waiting after finally managing to get Jacob to climb down a rope off the balcony with my box, I was shaking. A knife in one hand and my gun in the other. I've wanted to kill these men for years and now I finally have the chance.

My door swung open slowly to reveal the cold sickening smiles of the men. "Well look at this. I finally get to see Ivory Lockwood in person. Well as Ivory Lockwood that is. After all you are also Carmen Lockwood, your dead twin, and Ivory Ashmore the dangerously attractive teen model. Those I've met many times." Dantes fathers laugh froze me to the spot.

The man known as Papa Diablo raked his eyes over me, hunger hidden in their depths making me feel sick and violated yet I couldn't move. Their cold, sickening gazes holding me in place. I hate being helpless. I was trained to never feel helpless. Helpless isn't in my nature.

Yet here I am. Standing pathetic and helpless in front of the last people I'd ever want to feel pathetic and helpless in front of.

"Now that I see the real you I can see the masterpiece that has been created. You are a true diamond Ivory. First you were a lump of coal. Dirty and hideous. But now after all the pressure of the punishments my people have done to you." Papa Diablo paused as he continues to look at me like I'm a piece of meat. "Well now you are the most stunning female specimen that I have seen in a long while. Your services may be of use outside the killing and inside a bedroom."

Faster than my frozen body was ready for I was held against the wall by the man, my weapons dropping to the ground. All while Dantes father watched in amusement before turning and leaving. The door shutting behind him, leaving me with Papa Diablo who plans to use me in a way I have always had nightmares about.

My mind became empty. All my training disappears as his hands skim over my body. Tears fall as I'm gagged and thrown down. As he descended on me I screamed and squirmed. My cries and pleas only muffled by the gag. My attempts to escape only make him restrain me.

With my mind blank I am truly helpless. There is nothing I can do.

All I know. Is when he's finished and he has left I will want to kill him even more. Only a monster dares rape a 16 year old girl. I just hope that when I get the chance again to end him I don't freeze and go blank. I just have to hope that I'm strong enough to push through. Strong enough to make sure more innocent people don't end up with a fate like my own.


Jacob Fleming

It has been almost 5 hours since Ivory made me leave. I didn't want to. I had this feeling that something wasn't right. That this Papa Diablo and Dantes father were going to do something that Ivory and wouldn't be able to stop. I have worried myself sick and had paced my feet so sore that they were beginning to go numb.

"You have to stop worrying Jacob. Ivory will be fine. She's strong. Stronger than I was at her age." Bella grabbed my arm to stop my pacing.

When I look at her it's obvious she is worried. "Maybe you should take your own advice Bella." She sighed and went to sit down, playing with her hair.

"She's all I have left of her family. Her parents were like siblings to me. We would do anything for each other. They helped us but I failed to help them and now they've gone. All except for Ivory. I need to keep her safe so I can continue to help her parents. They would want me to look over her. I want to make them happy." Everyone looked at Bella who seemed broken. More broken that we've seen her in a very long while. Maybe ever in fact.

Brett walked over and sat with his wife. "You've kept her alive this long haven't you? They will be happy with you Bella. You successfully made their daughter into the person they wanted her to become. But you made her this person all by the time she turned 16. She will be okay. I have faith. In you and in her. After all she did manage to throw me out of the boxing ringand she is a lot smaller than I am." He smiled. I silently watch the interaction before my eyes are caught by the opening of the gyms door.

Ivory limped in. Blood ran from the corner of her mouth. She didn't look up. She didn't say a word. Something went wrong. Bella made a move to run forwards when Lillian stopped her. "Don't Bella. Not this time."

Every girl in the room stared at Ivory in horror. "No. They wouldn't dare." Isabella slowly walked closer with the others.

Ivory reached up and wiped what I realized were tears from her eyes. "My mind went blank when I saw them. They brought back all the memories of the times they beat me. Of all the times I was forced to watch the beat others. Innocent people. Some no older that any of us. I couldn't do anything to stop Papa Diablo and Dantes father certainly didn't care." Everything spun to a stop.

As I stare I see the signs written all over her. Ignoring the all telling me to stop I walk over and pull of my jacket, slowly wrapping it around her shoulders. She relaxed her shoulders as if the jacket were enough to block it out. "I couldn't stop him. I tried but I couldn't stop him." Nodding slowly I put a hand on her shoulder. I stay back enough to not force her.

"Come on. I still have that hoodie and your trackpants in my room. You a change into those and I'll get you whatever you want to eat and/or drink. Sound okay?" I made sure to speak softly as I crouched slightly to look at her tear streaked face.

She nods weakly. Defeat et he'd onto every piece of her body. "Can Ruby come too?" I look over my shoulder and Ruby ran over. Tears running down her own face as she pulled Ivory into a hug.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Ivory. It's gonna be okay. They can't reach you here. We will keep you safe." Ruby soothed as Ivory sobbed softly into her shoulder.

"What about when they placed dead bodies in our house?" Max hissed and I almost lung at him.

Ruby let Ivory go and stormed over. I watchinshock as she slapped him. Hard. "For once in you life Max just shut up. Ivory would have helped place those bodies. Use whatever small excuse of a brain you have in that head of yours and think. Ivory parents created the security system. So no doubt she has a cheat code to get in. She was forced into working with them so she would have been made to use the codes to get into your house." She yells. Max stated at her in shock as he rubbed his cheek. "Now why don't you go bugger off and do something useful instead of targeting someone who's gone through he'll to keep your sorry ass alive." Ruby glares at him before turning and storming back over. Ivory takes her hand and they head towards the door.

Shaking out of the daze of shock after watching Ruby attack Max I hurry after them. Taking them into my house they sit huddle together clutching onto each other for comfort while I grab the phone to order whatever it is Ivory wants. She's been through hell to help us.

We don't deserve her. Yet here she is. Coming back for more.

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