18- Dead For Good

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Ivory waited until Jacob had left before tearing off her hoodie. Underneath was a red cropped singlet that showed her scars, her bruises, her bandages and her recent wounds. Climbing from her baggy trackpants she's in a pair of black shouts a belt with a knife in a sheath on each side. There was a gun tucked into the back that always goes unnoticed under the baggy clothes.

This gun is like her child. It's also everyone who knows about the killers worst nightmare.

Many say her gun is alive. It never missed. It knew your name, and what you'd done, and how afraid you were to die. Each bullet shell casing has a heart carved into it. Along the handle of the gun were the words 'Say hi to the devil for me'. If you're ever close enough to read it you're probably and most likely gonna die.

She pulled her hair up into a tight bun and walked to the balcony. Luckily Jacobs room is at the back of the house so nobody will see her. Pulling out her Ivory Lockwood phone she calls Christopher. Its safer to have multiple phones since she has different identities.

He picks up on the second ring. "Hello?"

"Hey Christopher. This is Ivory Lockwood speaking." Ivory looked up at the roof, scanning the walls for a way to get up.

Christopher chokes on air. "Oh shoot. What's happened?" She heard the faint sound of traffic from Christopher's end, telling her he was driving.

Christopher knows about Ivory. He's helped her by using his contacts to get things done. He's damn scary when he wants to be too. Especially when someone tries to hurt Mary-Anne. He loves her like there's no tomorrow. Which is why Ivory hesitates.

"She is somehow still bloody well alive and coming this way. Drive quickly. Mary-Anne is going to need some comfort. This is not going to be pretty." She hangs up before she heard Christopher let out his rage.

Walking back into Jacobs room she puts her phone next to her things and heads back towards the balcony. She spotted a drainage pipe to the side which she'd have to jump to. Hopefully it will hold.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to subdue her anger enough for the moment. Climbing up onto the edge of the iron rails of the balcony she holds her arms out to keep her balance as she crouched, readying herself for the jump. Pushing off hard she flies forwards. Her hands grab
hold of the pipe and cling to it desperately as it groaned and squeaked.

Thumping comes from inside and she scurries upwards, swinging herself up onto the roof before she's spotted. Clumping over to the far side she crouched low, eyes narrowed as she looked over at Mary-Anne's. She is currently home due to there being an ice skating competition in LA. Macy will be smart. She won't be seen when she approaches. She would find a way to short out the system long enough to get in.

Grunting she jumps down and rolls, ending in a low crouch. She takes off and hurries into the Stones house. Mary-Anne appeared with Dexter. Both held guns in their hands. Ivory raised her hands up in a surrendering position as she kicked the door shut. "I'm going to suggest you hurry to your room Dexter and lock your door. Things are going to get messy down here. You won't be able to stomach it. Mary-Anne however has stomached a lot worse than what I'm about to do to the person coming to kill you all." She spoke calmly, her senses on high alert as she stayed stone still.

Mary-Anne lowered her gun and slowly Dexter did the same. "You're the teenage killer Christopher talks about so often. You're younger than I though." She put her gun away. Eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"My parents were friends of Bella when they worked with the Burns family. I've lived a kill or be killed life ever since I became the last person in my family left alive. Now please. You need to send Dexter to his room and get him to barrackade it and call your parents. Christopher is on his way but I'm afraid she's going to get here first." Ivory lowered her hands and gave Mary-Anne a desperate look. One she didn't have to fake.

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