19- Maybe It Won't Be So Bad

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Ivory couldn't be more glad that yesterday when she had the encounter with Macywas a Friday. Meaning no school for two days. Meaning two days of recovery which for her is plenty. It also means she can plan her revenge.

After yesterday and having to somehow explain the random disappearance of Carmen and the random appearance of Ivory she was exhausted, sore and pissed off. A lot.

She knew she was unable to leave. Bella knew it too so Bella said she could stay in their spare room. Brett was reluctant at first but then he caught a glimps of a bar code on Ivory's ankle that had become just visible above her sock. After that he was grateful and incredibly welcoming. Amy and Savannah weren't as welcoming. They weren't especially pleased that there was a highly skilled teenage killer in their house.

It was early in the morning when Ivory awoke. So early that it was still very dark. But when she wakes there isn't any going back to sleep. So dispite the pain she silently walked out of the house and towards the gym. With her head bowed and her arms tightly folded over her chest to ward off the cold she sat down and looked at the sky.

Because of all the lights from the city so close by she was unable to see the stars. She misses the stars. They remind her of her sister who was always mesmerised by their small glittering forms.

Footsteps coming closer have her jerking to her feet only to fall in pain. "Hey, hey. It's fine. It's just me Ivory. It's just me." Jacob stepped out of the darkness into the small ring of light from the motion triggered light on the side of the gym.

Ivory relaxed with a sigh and closed her eyes. "Don't do that again Jacob." She leans back against the building and listens as Jacob sits beside her. As he does his arm brushed against hers. Yet unlike her he wore a jacket.

"Aren't you cold?" Ivory looks at Jacob as he spoke.

"I spent 7 months alone in the woods with no proper food or water and all I had for clothes was a torn pair of jeans and a blood splattered tank top. I'm use to the cold." She looked away again and closed her eyes as she forced herself to not feel the cold. "What are you doing out here anyway?"

Jacob shifted around beside her. "I wanted a drink so I had gone to the kitchen and I saw you walk out of the Charlesworth residence so I got dressed and decided to keep you company." He hands her something warm and her eyes open. Her head snaps around to find Jacobs eyes upon finding he'd handed her his jacket. "Put it on so you don't get sick." The way he spoke told Ivory there was no point in arguing so she did as she was told.

It was warm and comforting. "Thanks. It's kinda weird you know this relationship between us." She looks back up at the sky.

"How so?"

"Well a few days ago you were beating me but then yesterday you were kissing me." She said bluntly and felt Jacob flinch. "Sorry." Hanging her head she lent against Jacob, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Yes and also yesterday I found out that I had fallen for a dead girl. Not only that the dead girl was being played by her sister who is actually a teenage killer who is also playing a model. Said teenage killer then came and killed Macy Bellegarde to save Mary-Anne. Said killer also knows Christopher and has had frequent interactions with him about business. Said business being killing members of the Diablo family." Jacob adds with a snort making Ivory laugh and move slightly closer.

Jacobs arm wound around her and held her close. "I don't know what this relationship is Jacob. One day I hate you and then the next I'm having second thoughts." She closed her eyes upon finding herself comfortable nestled against him.

"Second thoughts huh?" Jacob teased with earned a light jab to the ribs making him chuckle and rest his cheek against the top of her head as he looked up.

"I always thought you and your mates apart from Campbell were all arrogant, self absorbed ass holes. But now I'm seeing your other side. The side that comes out when you're around you friends and family. The nice, happy, generous side. After yesterday and finding out some horrifying news I'm confused. I don't know what to think anymore." Ivory sighed heavily as she reached out and took Jacobs hand that belonged to the arm not wrapped her.

They sat in silence for a moment as Jacob considered how to reply. "Well I am an asshole to people. I don't want to let someone in to only get hurt. It's why I would only date a girl for a day before moving to another. I was scared of getting rejected and thrown out. It's why when I saw you and I felt that twinge in my chest as I watched you walk into school with your head down that I beat you instead of befriending you. I didn't want you to reject me. Also I guess I didn't want to ruin my reputation a little." He frowns and Carmen starts drawing random shapes on the back of his hand.

"I would have liked a warning but what you did helped me. I've been involved with a guy. The guy you saw me with at the photo shoot. He's dangerous. Very dangerous. But he has a weak spot for Carmen well me. He enjoyed tending to my wounds because it made him think he was getting closer to me. Turns out now he knew who I was all along and he wants me dead so you Jacob Fleming no longer have to hit me." She shifted her head to look at his face to find him smiling at her.

"Good. Very good." After that they stayed silent. Then slowly somehow both of them managed to drift to sleep nestled against each other. Finding comfort in each others presence.


Everyone woke and when Bella looked for Ivory and Ash looked for his son both came up empty handed and raced around in a panic. They burst outside only to be shushed urgently by Jamie, Amy and Savannah who were already outside.

They were smiling. When they pointed to the gym Bella and Ash could see why. Jacob and Ivory were still asleep. Ivory still wore Jacobs jacket and held his hand while Jacob still had his arm wrapped around her. "Cute." Savannah sighed.

The doors start opening as the others start waking up and bgun to get ready for training before breakfast. They all spot the two and snort or smile in amusement. "Whatever you do. When you wake her up stay back. She has a gun and will use it if startled." Christopher warned as they all edge towards the gym.

As if on queue Ivory jerked upright, suddenly wide awake and her gun pointed at the closest person who happened to be Ruby. Ivory shrieked and dropped her gun in shock causing Jacob to jerk awake. "Woah. What's with the freak out?" Ruby laughed.

Ivory held a hand to her chest as she took deep breaths to calm her racing heart. "This kitty has claws." Was all she said. Ruby choked in shock, Ethan rushing to her aid. Off to the side Max rolled his eyes.

"What was that about?" Jacob asked as he stood and stretched.

"Ruby has a protective fried known as the Panther. She terrifies the living daylights out of me. That girl can fight. If she found out I pointed a gun at her best friend then I would shoot myself in the head to avoid having to dead with her." Ivory said calmly. Ruby let's out a breath of slight relief.

Ivory scans everyone over as she stood and pulled Jacobs jacket tighter around herself. She felt cold. Goosebumps rippled over her skin as she shivered. "I'm going to go warm up. I'm somehow freezing right now." She dropped her head and hurried through them. Casting a glance back at Jacob who was smiling after her.

Looking away she held down a smile. Who knows. Maybe it won't be so bad.

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