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"Last chance to open the door (My name)."

'How did he get Elon?' I heard Elon break the man's grip on his mouth.

"Don't do it (My name)!"

I opened the door and dropped the knife. The man changed his target to me.

"Don't you think about trying to break free Mr. Musk. I will shoot her."

Elon looked at me defeated and anxious. I looked around the room for a possible weapon or something.

"Mr. Musk, what do you even see in that girl. She's so basic and average. I'm so might better."

As he focused more on Elon, I spotted a fire extinguisher to the right of me. I slowly inched towards it.

"I will treat you so much better than she ever could Mr. Musk."

He lowered his aim from me, and I broke the glass and took the fire extinguisher out of the case. He didn't react fast enough, because I got the opportunity to hit him upside the head with it. Elon quickly got up and ran to me and hugged me.

"I was so worried about you (My name). Why did you scare me like that. What were you thinking? I told you not to go and pursue the man."

"I'm sorry, Elon..."

Elon had already called the police, so by the time everything had happened, the fuzz had come in.

"Come down with your hands up." they yelled upstairs.

Elon went first and I followed behind him. We told them everything that had happened. They called the paramedics and went upstairs to collect him.

"He's fine, just knocked out cold." the cops informed us.

They interrogated us further, mostly Elon.

"Do you know this man?"

"I have no idea who he is, we haven't seen him with his mask off."

They walked us to the stretcher, and took his mask off. We couldn't believe who we saw.

The Musk of Love (Elon Musk x Me)Where stories live. Discover now