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"You ok?" my friend asked the next morning.

I had woken up in the middle of the night, and haven't slept since. I imagine I looked pretty rough.

"Yea... I had a nightmare..."

"That doesn't sound good."

I shook my head and got up. Elon has sent me a text to come to his house. So I had gotten in the shower. I felt nauseated. 'What if that guy does hurt me? What would he do to me?' I felt anxious. And scared. I got dressed. I felt so light headed. I collapsed on the bathroom floor. 'What will he do to Elon...'

I drove to his house.I felt like I was being watched. 'Stop. You're fine.' I pulled up to his house. I hesitated getting out of the car. I didn't want to be the cause of anyone getting hurt. Especially not Elon...

I got over my nerves and got out of my car. I walked up to his door as quick as possible and knocked. He let me in and hugged me.

"Has anything happened to you? Anymore calls?"

I shook my head. He let me go and we walked to his office. I felt so weak and tired still. I almost collapsed again, but Elon noticed my fatigue.

"Are you ok? What's wrong?" he asked.

"Yea... I just didn't sleep very well last night..."

He helped me the rest of the way and we sat down. Instead of sitting across from me, he pulled his chair next to me.

"Do you need anything? Coffee? Water?"

"No, I'm ok..."

"Wait here."

Mr. Musk got up to leave the room. I sat there thinking of all the terrible possibilities that this Anonymous Caller could do to Elon.

He brought me a cup of coffee.

"Elon, you didn't have to..."

"It was nothing, (My name)."

I felt a little calmer now. He was so kind and caring. I don't want him to get hurt...

"What made you not be able to sleep?" he asked.

"It's going to sound really stupid, but I had a nightmare."

"What was it about?"

"I had a dream about the Anonymous Caller... It just sent me into a spiraling disaster of what could possibly happen because of this man..."

He looked down solemnly.

"I'm worried about you, Elon... I don't want you to get hurt because of me."

That sentence wasn't supposed to come out. We were just friends, that was too much.

"I'm worried about you too, (My name). I will be fine, I know that for a fact... I'm more concerned about you..."

I blushed, he said he cared before but... this time felt more real and genuine. We came up with a new precautionary plan, just in case calling the cops wasn't enough. If he finds me again, I will go to someone else's house, and it will continue.

"But we can't do that forever." he said.


"We might have to..." he paused.


"It won't come to that. It will be fine..."

He seemed worried. I wanted to know what he was talking about. What would happen that we haven't already discussed?

He walked me back to my car.

"Be careful and drive safe, (My name)."

We hugged again and I drove away. As I went onto the main road, I noticed a car was driving extremely close behind me. Too close for comfort. So I merged onto the lane over, and they did the exact same. I even made a wrong turn, and they did the same. This person was following me.

The Musk of Love (Elon Musk x Me)Where stories live. Discover now