The Tesla Tour

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After the meeting, my legal pad was almost completely filled up. I put it back into my bag and started to head out like everyone else.

"Hey (My name). Would you like to see the rest of Tesla Headquarters?" Elon asked me.

I turned around and actually made eye contact for once. My heart skipped a beat. 'Elon Musk.. showing me around Tesla HQ?'

"S-sure." I smiled a bit.

He went ahead of me and opened the door. I walked through the door, and we walked towards the elevator. 'Oh no, I can't let him see me panic on the elevator!'

"Umm.. Do you have any stairs in this building?" I asked lamely.

"Why? It would take a while to walk down 23 flights of stairs."

"Heh.. You're right.. just wondering if you did.."

He looked a bit confused as we continued towards the elevator. I was terrified. We walked in, this time it was just me.. and Elon Musk. I went to the corner of the elevator and held the railing in an attempt to support my weight.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yea.. I'm fine.." I said with my eyes closed.

I bit my lip as we went to the higher floors. I remembered all the news stories of people falling down in elevators, the stories of elevators being jammed for hours, and pretty much everything that could ever go wrong in an elevator. We finally stopped at a floor and I went out as fast as I could. I hoped he didn't notice it.

"Are you afraid of elevators?" he asked.

"Just a little." I lied.

"It's ok, we have immediate emergency action whenever our elevators malfunction."

Hearing that come from Mr. Musk was actually very reassuring. We walked down the hallway and went around the building. He showed me where all the most important places in the building were.

"We could go look at one of the factories another day if you'd like."

"Thank you..." I said sheepishly.

"You're pretty bashful, it's endearing."

I blushed. I'm not usually this shy... I wanted to tell him that.. but I felt that this wasn't the time.

"I'm sorry." I said meekly.

"There's nothing to be sorry for."

'He's so nice in person...' I thought to myself.

Then a skinny, semi-tall man bumped into me. He has slicked back brown hair, skinny jeans, and a white button down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

"Sorry. Mr. Musk, someone from the SEC called again-" the man said.

"That can wait, I'm in the middle of something, Victor."

"Ugh." he sounded very annoyed. He glared at me, and walked away.

"Don't mind him, he's rather snarky."

I smiled at Elon, and we continued our tour.

The Musk of Love (Elon Musk x Me)Where stories live. Discover now