My Son

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We entered the room, but it didn't look like a guest bedroom. It was huge and had a queen sized bed. It was the size of my entire apartment.

"Who's room is this?"

"It's just one of the guest bedrooms."

I was still shocked at the size of it. I sat on the bed, and he sat next to me.

"I'm worried about my dog." I said and laughed nervously.

He didn't like being without me for extremely long periods of time. When I was in high school, I went tone that had let us out 2 hours before all the other high schools. Even then, he would be crying for me all day long, despite having my step dad and my 3 sisters at home with him. I explained this to Elon.

"Bring him over."

"He's grumpy, he will probably bark a lot."

"That's ok, I've owned dogs before."

I smiled at him. He's so understanding. He came with to me get my dog.

"What's his name?" he asked.

"(My dog's name)."

"What kind of dog is he?"

"He's a Jack Russell Chihuahua. He looks like a tiny German Shepard with an underbite though."

He laughed at my description, but it was the truth. He looked like a grumpy old German Shepard. When we arrived at (Best Friend No. 2)'s house, I could hear my dog child whimpering like usual. I opened the door and he greeted me with tears of joy and kisses. He didn't notice Elon because he was too focused on me.

(Best Friend No. 2) came out to see what the commotion was all about. They both noticed Elon standing at the door at the same time. (My dog's name) started barking and growling at him, so I picked him up to try and calm him down. (Best Friend No. 2) started freaking out about how cute we were together. I rolled my eyes at her sarcastically and told her how we came for (My dog's name).

I put my dog in his little kennel and wrapped him up in all of his blankets. He gave up on barking at Elon and went under the covers.

"He's so cute when he's not freaking out." he said jokingly.

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