The Investigation

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The taxi dropped me off in front of Elon's house. I felt nervous, and not because of Mr. Musk. I pulled my hood over my head and walked up to his door.

He let me in and we walked up to his office to discuss what these calls were, why we were getting them, and who they were from. We sat at his desk anxiously.

"You didn't delete any of this Anonymous person's voice messages, have you?" he asked in a worried, yet stern voice.

"No, but I haven't listened to all of them yet."

I pulled out my phone and opened my voicemail box. We listened to the messages.

"Do you recognize the voice?" I asked him.

"No, it could be anyone."

I showed him the message that said that I was there to take his job.

"It has to be at Tesla, you haven't even been to any of the other places."

"That's true, but who's to say that this guy hasn't been stalking you this whole time. What if he's just some deranged man who just thinks he works for you. We can't be sure he's from Tesla."

I could tell he was panicking.

"Mr. M- I mean Elon, it's ok. He won't find out where I live or anything. I have my phone with me, and emergency services are just three numbers away. We should still try to figure out who this guy is, of course... but in the mean time, everything will be ok."

"(My name)... I don't want anyone to get hurt... Especially not..." he paused.

"If it makes you feel better, I can go to one of my friends' houses for a while. Until everything settled down."


He seemed to still be worried, but what else could we do?

"(My name)?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Be careful..."

We hugged and he walked me outside. He called me an Uber this time, and we hugged again.

"If anything happens, I have the police on speed dial. everything will be fine." I said reassuringly.

"I hope so."

I left his house and went back to my apartment. I first took my Roadster to get a new license plate just in case, but it was about to expire anyway.

I called one of my closest friends (My best friends name), and asked if I could bunk with her for a while. I explained the situation to her, and of course she said yes.

I went back home and picked up my dog and the basic necessities. Hopefully things won't escalate from here and I can go back home soon. Hopefully.

The Musk of Love (Elon Musk x Me)Where stories live. Discover now