The Elevator

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A/N~Happy Thanksgiving musketeers.
This story is taking place in the future almost, but a relatively close future. So fair warning if you think I'm giving improper descriptions and junk.

I woke up bright and early the next morning. I barely slept at all, I was too excited to finally get to go to Tesla Headquarters. I've always wanted to go to all of Elon Musk's companies, and this would mark the first of many off my list.

I hopped out of bed and took a quick shower to hopefully get rid of the anxiety I always seem to get around Mr. Musk. I got out, got ready, and walked my dog as fast as possible. When I had dropped my dog off, he cried for a treat. Although I wanted to leave at that moment, I slowed down and gave him a treat.

I practically ran to my roadster and drove as fast as the speed limit would allow me. I didn't bother getting any sort of breakfast or coffee, I just kept driving. 'How much of the building will I get to see? I wonder what his office looks like, I wonder who else works for him in that building.' My mind was racing with all the possible wonders of the Tesla Headquarters.

I pulled up to the building, it was huge. Bigger than I had anticipated. Considering the fact I went to a relatively small high school, and even smaller college, it was pretty scary. I parked my car and went to the entrance. I went up to the lady who worked the front desk.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

"Hi, umm.. I'm Mr. Musk's personal assistant, and he needed me to come to one of his meetings. Where do I go?"

"Oh that would be in conference room B23. Go to the 23rd floor and look for the room letter and number."

"Thank you so much, have a nice day!" I said as I turned away to find the elevators.

After a few minutes of following other people to see where the elevators were, I had just remembered my crippling fear of elevators. I got on with about 10 other people. I tried my best not to panic. I kept trying to control my breathing. Every so often the elevator would stop on a floor so that people could get out, but due to me shutting my eyes so tightly, every time it stopped, I though we were stuck. This has also led to me missing my floor. Oh boy.

The Musk of Love (Elon Musk x Me)Where stories live. Discover now