A Night Out

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I got back to (Best Friend No. 2)'s house. My plan was to just eat some food and go to sleep, but she had other things in mind. She wanted to go to a bar with some of her friends, but I didn't know any of them. I know I was going to be a wall flower, but I didn't want to reject the offer.

"Invite Elon, maybe we can get you drunk enough to confess your love."

"Dumb head."

She knew I didn't drink after the incident that happened in my freshman year of high school. She also knew that there was no way I would invite Elon to a bar with me. He's just my boss. I'm not ballsy enough to do anything that daring. However, she was keen on making this happen. She took my phone when I was in the shower and texted him.

"Hey Elon, some friends and I are going to a bar tonight. You should come."

After I saw what she did, I chased her around the house with my shoe, trying to make her give my phone back. I looked at my phone, and thankfully there was no reply. In fact, he didn't even see it.

"Ignore that last text, my friend sent that while I was in the shower. My apologies."

I went back to scolding (Best Friend No. 2), when I heard my phone go off. It was another text from Elon.

"Well, I could go if you wanted."

I showed her the message.

"What do I do? You started all this!"

"Just tell him ok and which bar we're going to."

I sent him the address. He was going to go to the bar with me? And (Best Friend No. 2)'s dumb friends? We drove to the bar, I was getting nervous. I didn't want to be embarrassed by her friends. I don't know how they act.

I sat alone at a booth towards the back of the bar. I saw him come in. I blushed out of embarrassment, but he saw me. He made his way to my booth.

"Hey, I thought you were coming with friends?" he asked.

"I am with friends, I just don't want to be seen with them."

He laughed at my joke. An employee asked what we wanted. He asked for a whiskey, I asked for a virgin mimosa. I drank my orange juice as the loud music blared. We talked more about space exploration and the implications of the 'Are we living in a simulation?' debate.

After many more whiskies, it was safe to say he was a little drunk. He slurred his speech a little, and made many more jokes. I laughed with him, but he scooted closer to me.

"(My name)?"


He kissed me. I didn't know what to do, it's not that I didn't like it, I just.. I didn't pull away. Once he decided he was finished, I smiled at him.

"Elon, you're drunk."

"No, you drank way more than me."

"I drank orange juice."

"Oh yea."

I walked with him to his car. He had his arm around my waist. I knew that this was ingenuous, he was drunk, that's all. I put him in the passenger seat, and made my way to the driver's side. The whole way back to his house, he put his hand on my thigh.

Once we got to his house, I walked him to the door.

"Get some sleep, Elon. And drink water, you're gonna have a really bad hangover tomorrow."

"I'll be fine."

He kissed me again. I pulled away, and walked to the drive way. I called an Uber to take me back to the bar so I could get my car.

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