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I sped up in an attempt to get away. They did the same. 'Should I call the police? Should I call Elon?' I was too anxious to think anymore. I kept speeding to try to get away. 'I should just go to (My best friend's name)'s house.'

I sped down the highway to try and lose this guy, but of course it didn't work. I was going 80 mph so I was hoping a traffic cop would pull us over for speeding. I wouldn't mind a ticket today. I would much rather get that than get chased by this person. 'Is it the Anonymous Caller?'

I looked at the rear view mirror, and saw that he had a red Model 3. I could easily out speed him, but the law stood in my way. I didn't want to get completely arrested. I made a sharp right hand turn off if the highway and I noticed that he began to slow down. I continued down to (My best friend's name)'s house. I was getting well ahead of him, I think his car was running low on battery. Thank god the roadster lasts longer than a Model 3.

He stopped just a few miles from where her house was. Unfortunately, her house was the only house down there. It was probably a dead giveaway to where I was hiding. I would probably have to relocate. 'But I could follow whoever that was and hopefully find his identity.' It was too late to keep running, I might as well out a stop to this.

I made a U-turn and sped up to where he stopped. I could see the Model 3 in the distance. Now was my chance. I went well over 75 mph to try to catch up to him. As I did this, I saw red and blue flashing lights in the distance. Great. I got pulled over and got a ticket. Only when I'm trying to do something do these things happen.

I gave up on this chase, and went back to (My best friend's name)'s house.

"So this guy was following me after I left Elon's house today."


"Yea, he knows where I am."

"How do you know it's the Anonymous Caller?"

"I don't, but I'm not taking any chances. Besides, having a high speed chase should be enough of a reason to be worried."

I packed my things and called (Best friend No.2).

I had already told her about the calls, but now I told her about the chase.

"Come right over."

I can always count on (Best friend No. 2) to help me without asking questions.

The Musk of Love (Elon Musk x Me)Where stories live. Discover now