The Anonymous Caller

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I felt as if I were in a dreamlike state. I didn't feel like this was real, but I knew it was. It was too good to be true. I went to bed, but I could barely sleep. Elon Musk hired me. Elon Musk showed me around Tesla HQ. Elon Musk invited me to dinner. He hugged me...

Eventually I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, my phone said I had 58 missed calls. I went to my voicemails and listened to them.

"I saw you drive to Mr. Musk's house."

I didn't recognize the voice. It sounded so basic, but it was definitely a male voice. He obviously had to be close to Elon in order to know where he lived... Or maybe he was stalking him too?

"You had a slutty black dress on."

"You drove a Tesla Roadster, a black one."

"You arrived at his house at 7:14 P.M."

"You left his house at 9:32 P.M."

"I know what you're doing."

"You're trying to get closer to him so you can steal my job."

"And steal him from me."

The short choppy messages were getting redundant, I wasn't trying to steal anyone's job. Also, Elon Musk isn't gay. Not that there's anything wrong with gay people...

"I won't let you do that, whore."

I stopped listening, it was clearly someone who worked for him. But the question was who? He is apart of so many companies, and a lot of people work for him.

I decided it would be best to ignore it. I wasn't hurting anyone. I laid in my bed, kind of sad due to it being a Saturday. I had the weekends off. My dog was still buried under the blanket. It was pretty early in the morning too.

I got another call. It was anonymous.

'Should I pick it up? I could try to figure out who it is. How could I do that? I don't even know any of the people who work for him, I haven't even been to all of his companies yet. I should probably just ignore it.'

I tried to think about the night before. He looked so handsome... and he hugged me. I started to blush just thinking about him. Another phone call interrupted my thoughts. Still Anonymous.

I ignored it again, but now it was starting to get to me. 'If he knew what car I drove back home in, he could easily find where I live...' I decided to put the police on speed dial just in case this Anonymous caller decides to come.

I got another call, this time from Elon. I smiled super wide and practiced saying hello.

"Hello?" I said in the nonchalant voice I could muster.

"Hey, (My name), I was just wondering if you've gotten any anonymous calls?"

My heart sank. I don't want Elon to get hurt by whoever this guy is. I decided to play it off.

"Yea, it's probably nothing."

"This is serious. He could be after you."

"What makes you say that?"

"He said he knew what car you drive and how to find out what your address is."

"Do you have any idea who would be doing this?"

"No clue, I don't even know how he knows where I live."

"He mentioned something about me possibly taking his job, so he must work for you."

"Well that barely narrows it down... Come to my house, but try to stay out of sight. Walk away from your house and call a taxi, I will pay the fare."

"Yes, sir."

This must be serious. If he's worried, maybe I should be too. I put on more laid back clothes, leggings and a hoodie, and walked out of my apartment complex. I decided to walk a bit farther just in case.

I called a taxi, and headed to Elon's house.

The Musk of Love (Elon Musk x Me)Where stories live. Discover now