Chapter 3

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The next day, I was up bright and early at five-thirty. Knowing Jayden, he won't wake up until at least 8am.

I bounded down the stairs just in time to see Uncle Will leaving out the front door.

Early riser.

In the kitchen, I searched around for a blender and some food to blend and make a green smoothie. There wasn't much so I ended up using some strawberries, a banana, coconut milk, cucumber, celery and some spinach.

After blending everything together, I took a sip and realised I probably just woke up the entire neighbourhood with my blending.

Oh well.

The house was so huge, the sound probably wouldn't have left the kitchen area. 

As I was washing the blender, the patter of feet on the stairs made it's way to my ears, directing my attention to the stairs. Now there were more than one pair.

Scott came down first, picking up my smoothie and taking a huge gulp. "Hey! That's mine!" I say.

"And it tastes good!" He answers. I still look at him incredulously as he grabs an apple and waves before making his way to work. "I like your hair," He added.

By now, Tyson was in the kitchen, sitting on one of the island stools, smiling at me.

"What do you want?" I ask him suspiciously. 

"Nothing," He continues to smile at me cheekily. "Nice hair."

"Then what have you done. I swear if it's the glad-wrap on the toilet thing again, you know I always check and not once have you got me and not once will you ever!" I ignore his compliment. I didn't really feel like talking about it.

He just chuckles. "We'll see about that but anyway, that's not it." 

"Then what-."

"Aaaah!" I was interrupted by Jayden screaming. "Tyson you fucking asshole! I will get your ass you little shit head!" I laughed as Jayden started to swear.

Next thing you know, Jayden is in the kitchen, only sweats on. He and Tyson were running around this island bench so not to get in the middle of their fight, I climbed onto the island bench and sat there cross-legged, drinking my smoothie and listening to their bickering.

"You drenched me in ice cold water!" Jayden yelled.

"Technically, you drenched yourself!" Tyson said defensively.

"Tying a rope to my leg so when I move the bucket of water will fall on me does not make it my fault! What do you think this is?! The Ice Bucket challenge?!" Jayden changed directions around the bench and tried to reach for Tyson but Tyson dodges in time and again they were on opposite sides.

"Yup! And I got it on tape! The famous Jayden Shawn iced!" Tyson says, bumping his hands against his chest as he said 'iced.' 

Jayden glared at him and sprinted towards him. 

Tyson ain't getting out of it this time.

Time to save his ass... again.

I hopped in front of Jayden just in time and he pushed me into Tyson who fell onto the ground, cushioning my fall but a 85kg Jayden fell on top of me.

"Oh my god, Arva! I am so sorry! I didn't see you! Are you OK? Any broken bones?" I let Jayden fuss over me as I continued to lie on my other older brother.

"Get off me, fat ass," Tyson says, gently pushing me off.

"Hey! Be grateful! I saved yo' ass!" I say.

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