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Planning a wedding wasn't a walk in the park as some would believe— Yoongi and Jimin had believed it was an easy task until it came to planning their own wedding which wasn't as easy as they had initially thought.

Jimin was stressed with the decision of where to buy his suit as was Yoongi who received help from his friends but he had turned his nose up at their suggestions. The the decision they had to make together were significantly easier, but what was really hard was when they couldn't agree on certain subjects.

Jimin wanted to have a outdoors wedding since they decided to have a spring wedding, which they did on purpose to keep their wedding date far from Taehyung and Jungkook's. Whilst Jimin wanted an outdoors wedding, Yoongi wanted a indoors wedding.

Due to their disagreement, many agreements arose as they still hadn't made a decision and both had different ideas on the type of flowers they wanted. The couple had argued to two months solid before Seokjin had suggested that they brought a wedding planner in which he chose to ensure they were strong minded and a professional.

Since they had hired the wedding planner, they apologised to each other and tried to consider each others ideas and if they couldn't agree then their wedding planner would tell them their opinion which would influence their final choice.

After months of planning, the couple's big day was only less than a month away which raised tensions. They were hell bent on making sure everything was perfect. Both were were tired and grouchy as they spent nights staying awake checking over their planning.

It was tedious, but they wanted everything to be perfect.

"Go to sleep." Seokjin told Jimin as he rested his head on the table.

"Hyung... I'm fine. Just a little tired." Jimin muttered as he sat up then rested his head in his hands.

Seokjin rolled his eyes before standing from his seat to pull Jimin up.


"Shut up, get into your room and fall the fuck asleep. You look like corpse bride."

Without arguing any further, Jimin strolled onto his bedroom and closed the door behind himself. He kicked his slippers off then fell onto the bed on his front and almost immediately fell asleep as soon as he hit the soft bed.


"Jimin get your ass up!" Seokjin shouted as he jumped onto the bed making Jimin shriek as he awoke and fall off the bed.

"Wha- what the fuck hyung?!"

Seokjin shuffled to the edge of the bed and looked down at Jimin as he grinned. "Get up, we need to get you dolled up because there is now way in hell I'm going out with you looking like that."

Jimin was sat up, legs crossed. He leaned to his right and took a look at his rough, unkept appearance in the mirror.

"Damn." He mumbled to himself.

"You look like shit? A terrible mess? Like you were caught in the middle of a tornado? Like the corpse bride? Frankensteins wi-"

"Seokjin-ssi! I get your point now shut up!"

Seokjin stood from the bed and shrugged. "But where's the lie?"

Jimin only rolled his eyes at his hy NG as he held onto Seokjin's shirt and pulled on it as he stood.

"Why do I need to get dressed? Where are we going?" Jimin asked before yawning.

"Your bachelor party— duh, or did your dumbass forget?"

Jimin's eyes widened as he realised that he had just forgotten at his and Yoongi's joint bachelor party. He groaned as dragged his hands down his pale face.

Jimin sighed. "Where's Yoongi?"

"With Mark, don't worry. They're just getting ready as well." Seokjin explained as he rubbed his back.

"Good, he'd be so hurt if I showed up late to our own bachelor party." Jimin muttered as he fidgeted with his fingers.

"Well it's a good thing you have someone like me with you. Oh and by the way, the Kim bitches are coming over."

"No, tell them-"

Jimin was cut off by a loud knock at his door followed by the ring of the doorbell. Jimin groaned as he collapsed back onto his bed as Seokjin went to answer the door.

"Jiminie~!" Jungkook called as he ran into Jimin and Yoongi's room.

Jimin turned onto his back then sat up. "Go away."

"Oh shit you look terrible." Jungkook stated as he poked Jimin's face.

Jimin groaned for the umpteenth time as he dragged his hands down his face, already dreading what his friends would do to him.


"Why's there a stripper? There's no way I'm letting those whores seduce my baby."

Upon Jungkook, Taehyung and Seokjin making Jimin look presentable they had brought him to the venue which they had booked, which happened to be a strip club.

Jungkook and Taehyung had chosen the venue since they believed that they deserved a good night out since their bachelor party was held at the beach, which they loved as it was sentimental, cosy and they had all gotten wasted that night, but it it wasn't quite a night club with strippers.

But they had another reason for choosing a night club which was to allow both Yoongi and Jimin to unwind and loosen up even if it was just for a night. They had been so stressed with their wedding planning and work that the physically young couple became a mentally elderly couple who had been married for decades.

If anyone needed it release, it was the couple and Jungkook and Taehyung wanted to give them that much, especially after they had helped them with their wedding planning to the best of their ability.

"Don't be so uptight Jimin, your acting like you're already married. This is your final night of freedom, spend it well." Taehyung told his friend as he slung his arm around his shoulders.

"Fine." Jimin replied as he sat on a stool at the bar.

"Besides, we didn't spend all that time making you look sexy as fuck for no reason." Seokjin remarked.

"Jiminie!" Jimin heard a voice he knew all too well call out.

Jimin turned and jumped out of his head seat as he saw Yoongi walking up to him through the crowd of people that Taehyung had invited.

"Hey baby." Jimin spoke as he pecked his fiancé's lips.

"You look really really good."

Yoongi bit his lip as he looked his partner up and down. He couldn't wait for their night to end so he could have Jimin all to himself.

Jimin smirked. "So do-"

"Stop flirting! Ooo, Jimin that stripper's giving lap dances. Get in line!" Seokjin shouted as he grabbed ahold of Jimin's wrist and dragged him away from Yoongi.


one more chapter to go😶

one more chapter to go😶

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