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WARNING: this may trigger some of you as there are mentions of bad thoughts, suicide and self-harm

"min yoongi you're an idiot."

"it's all my fault."

"jimin's better of without me, truthfully, i've always held him back."

"he didn't even want to come and see me when we first met— he was forced."

"we were never supposed to meet."

"you're a fucking idiot. why aren't you already dead?"

"kill yourself already!"

the razor made red cuts of yoongi's pale skin, the red pigment of his blood contrasting with his pale skin. he hated himself for letting him and jimin happen. deep down, he'd always doubted their relationship but was so happy with jimin that he pushed it to the back of his mind.

he knew that the last message he sent to jimin would break his heart, but what choice did he have? his career had been the only thing stopping him from doing what he'd always wanted to do ever since daehyun.

kill himself.

of course there was hoseok and namjoon who did a good job at keeping his mentality positive, but there were days where not even his best friends could help him. those were the days he slit his thighs. he could never take being in his own skin, it just wasn't comfortable. it could never be comfortable.

"fucking hell yoongi!" namjoon exclaimed, grabbing the razor from his older friend not acknowledging his own bleeding hand.

"yoongi, what's happened? you haven't relapsed since jimin first found out about you." hoseok spoke, staring at yoongi with worry evident in his expression.

hoseok opened the bathroom cabinet and took out disinfectant, cotton wool and bandages to clean yoongi's self-inflicted wounds. he sat next to his hyung and dipped the cotton wool into the disinfectant before wiping it over yoongi's cuts.

"t-tell me hyung, please."

yoongi closed his eyes, tears rolling down his cheeks. "i-i broke up with j-jimin."

"what?!" hoseok and namjoon shouted in unison.

namjoon sat next to yoongi and wrapped his arms around him as he cried into his top while hoseok was patching up his wounds. hoseok and namjoon knew yoongi needed them just as much as he did after the daehyun incident.

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