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Yoongi bit his lip as he stood outside the office of his manager. He was determining whether he should take a calm, controlled approach to Manager Song or be ruthless— storming into his office, firing him on the spot.

"Come on Yoongi, you've got this." He muttered to himself as he worked up the confidence to walk into Manager Song's office.

Without giving his actions a second thought Yoongi pushed the handle to his managers office down and barged his way into the office.

"Yo-Yoongi?!" Manager Song choked out as he stared wide-eyed.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "No, I'm a fucking ghost."

Manager Song stood from his swivel chair, brushing his suit down and straightening his clothing out. He noticeably gulped thickly before adjusting his tie and clearing his throat.

"When- When were you discharged?"

"Shut the fuck up. That doesn't matter, but what does matter is what I have to say so you can sit your ass back down and listen the fuck up."

Yoongi had no idea he had that in him. To be so rude, yet feel so mighty and utterly powerful. He didn't feel remorseful nor regret for his harsh words, he felt half relieved.

With his burning hostility towards manager Song, he wasn't surprised at the way he acted– just shocked he had it in him.

Nonetheless, manager Song sat back down and sat up straight ready to listen to what his client had to say.

"You're a sick bastard, you know that? You made me believe it was either Jimin or my career, you made me feel as if I had no other option. I felt like shit and you just sat there, knowing you making a profit off of my despair. How fucking dare you." Yoongi snarled, eyebrows furrowed and lips twisted with plain disgust.

"Yoongi I-"

"Didn't I tell you it was my turn to talk?! Shut your mouth!" He exclaimed, hand slamming down on the wooden desk.

Manager Song backed away from the rapper, hands held up by his head to show his surrender.

"You made me feel so stupid, so dumb, so ignorant for loving Jimin. The man who loved me through thick and thin, was always there for me, helped me with my anxiety, and even though he was a dickhead to begin with, he couldn't have been the bestest boyfriend I could ask for. But becsuse of you, I had to throw that all away and I couldn't even fucking cope. It's on you why I relapsed the way I did."

Manager Song only stared at Yoongi as if he was staring right through him, not acknowledging anything Yoongi had told him.

"Do you even have anything to say for yourself?" Yoongi asked as he furiously wiped his tears away.

"Yeah," Manager Song cleared this throat. "Sorry. I'm... sorry."

Yoongi turned away from his manager, a humoured smile playing on his lips. He turned back to him and without a second thought grabbed the man by his collar.

"You don't even sound fucking genuine!" Yoongi screamed.

Yoongi pushed him away roughly, making his chair roll back and hit the back wall as his body jerked from the contact.

"Y-yah Min Yoongi!"

"Don't yah me."

Yoongi was livid, the anger was radiating off of his body. He raised his hand, pointing at the stunned man with a scowl on his face.

"You're- You're fucking fired, cunt." He mumbled out.

With what Yoongi came to say said, he stormed out off Song's office, slamming the door behind himself as he was finally content with himself as his negative emotions were finally at bay.

But there was still one more thing, the most important thing, that had yet to be fixed.

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