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"Linda!" Yoongi shouted as he walked into his therapist's office.

The woman rolled her eyes, as she kept her concentration on her laptop, typing away. She motioned for Yoongi to sit down, before picking up her cup of chai tea.

"Who are you emailing?" Yoongi asked, as he leaned over the desk to see Linda's laptop screen.

"None of your business, Min Yoongi."

Linda scowled as he attempts to hide her screen from her patient but it was no use as he'd already seen who she was sending an email off to.

"Ooo who's Xavier Woods, Linda~?" Yoongi smirked.

"He's- He's just a colleague Yoongi, stop being nosy and sit down!" She exclaimed, a light pink blush creeping onto her cheeks.

"I don't know... You don't seem too sure about that. Spill the tea Linda, spill the tea."

Linda kept her mouth shut, ignoring Yoongi's calls to make her explain who Xavier Woods was.

In actuality, Xavier was a colleague who she was emailing to inform about Yoongi's state and improvement. She was making the point that he should be released earlier since the progress and effort he was making was proving him to be in a stable and sane condition.

He was admit to himself what Daehyun had done to him, he was able to talk about it without suffering from a panic attack and was finally able to come to terms with the fact that the emotional and physical abuse he suffered was Daehyun's fault. He accepted that he wasn't to blame, that none of it was his fault and that he didn't deserve it.

Seeing the improvement in Yoongi, Linda had shed a few tears as she read over his file. She was reminded of the times when Yoongi was quiet, when he wouldn't speak, disclose any personal information and was filled with negativity. To see the huge difference- it was almost as if they weren't the same person.

"Linda~, you're my only friend here and you're deprived me of my human right of gossip." Yoongi whined as he slumped in the chair, a pout on his pink lips.

"Fine! I- I may or may not think that Doctor Woods is moderately attractive." Linda mumbled as a small smile played on her red, lipstick stained lips.

"I knew it!" Yoongi vocalised, immediately sitting up straight in his chair feeling victorious.

"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever. But let's get down to business now. How're feeling today?"

Yoongi grinned. "For once... I can honestly say that I feel great. Wait- is that even the word to use? I feel happy, joyous, jolly."

"Nice to know you have a wide vocabulary." Linda commented as she made short notes.

"To be honest, I woke up with a smile on my face. I left my room and actually went to the dining hall for breakfast. I think Greta, Elizabeth, Margaret and Amy were shocked to see me, but they didn't comment. Even Cordelia– she gave me an extra piece of bacon."

Linda stared at Yoongi with raw amusement. She was so happy just to see him genuinely happy. She felt achieved.

"I'm so proud of you, Yoongi. You've come a long way." She spoke, resting her hand atop of Yoongi's.

"No... Yoongi is in Korea, I think you're taking about Hanuel."

Linda snorted. "Oh, so now you wanna play the Hanuel card."

"Uhhhh, yeah." The young man sassed.

"Well then Hanuel, you'll be pleased to know that by the end of next week, you'll be a free man." Linda explained, making Yoongi's eyes widen.

"I'm- they- are-"

"Take your time."

Yoongi drew in a deep breath then breathed out.

"I'm... being discharged?"

Linda grinned. "Yes."

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