Special Pet Part 34

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    Quigor has been invited to their parents house for a Day of Giving Thanks. Since their Father is allergic to humans, Margaret will be going to Mepo's house for the day. Mepo's family will all be there. Mepo has informed their family of the visiting pet human and they are all eager to meet her.

    Tulip will be going to her parents owner's house for Thanksgiving. Their kind owner is always happy to see the handicapped pet and have her visit them. There will also be quite a gathering of Nividians in this home. They all love to hold and pet Tulip. Toys are kept at the house for when Tulip visits along with special equipment for her.

    Quigor carefully picks their pet up out of her bed in the morning. She doesn't wake up, so Quigor carries her still sleeping to her highchair, which has new fasteners now, and gently places her into it.

    Margaret awakens and says "Potty, Quigor."

    "Okay, Margaret. Good girl!" Quigor says, carefully lifting her out of the highchair and carrying her to the bathroom.

    Margaret is returned to her highchair after she is finished in the bathroom. "Cook!" She cries.

    " No, Margaret. Margaret breakfast, Margaret play Emily-"

    "Margaret play Emily?!" Margaret cries excitedly, interrupting her owner. 

    "Yes, Margaret play Emily. Margaret Emily lunch, Margaret Emily play. Margaret Emily supper. Quigor come Margaret," Quigor tries to explain while getting Margaret some cereal for breakfast.

    Margaret happily eats her cereal, very excited about visiting Emily.

    Quigor eats their breakfast of shiny leaves with berries. Margaret is given orange juice to drink. She is carried to the bathroom after breakfast before being carried out to Quigor's vehicle. 

    It is still pretty early in the morning so Margaret is asleep when Quigor arrives at Mepo's house with her. They carefully hand their sleeping pet human to Mepo when they answer the door.

    The aliens speak very softly to each other so as not to wake Margaret. Emily is still asleep.

    Quigor leaves and Mepo gently carries the sleeping human inside. They carefully place her inside Emily's cage onto a soft bed of blankets they made for her and cover her with blankets. They retrieve her highchair which Quigor brought along for her and carry it inside.

    Margaret awakens later on to see many strange aliens in Mepo's house. 

    "It's okay, Margaret. That's my owner's family. They're friendly," Emily explains. 

    One of the aliens approaches the cage and opens the door, carefully picking Margaret up. "Emily!" Margaret cries nervously.

    "It's okay, Margaret. That's my owner's brother. He's friendly," Emily explains in English. 

    The Nividian holding Margaret examines her very closely. Margaret holds on tightly. "Play Emily?" She bravely asks in Nivish. 

    Other strange aliens approach and examine her. "What a cute pet! Did you get another one, Mepo?" One of them asks.

    "No, that's my friend Quigor's pet Margaret. She's visiting Emily for the day," Mepo explains.

    Margaret is very gently handed to Mepo's sister. "Play Emily?" Margaret begs in Nivish. 

    Mepo's sister carefully examines the pet human. "Okay, sweetie, play Emily," she says, gently placing Margaret back into Emily's cage. 

    Margaret excitedly runs over to Emily. "What do you want to play?" She asks eagerly.

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