Special Pet Part 24

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    In the morning, Margaret starts crying as one of the scary looking aliens puts more food in her bowl, waking her up. She tries to hide underneath the blankets.

    Quigor goes over to see what has frightened their pet. They realize she was frightened by the alien that brought her food.

    Quigor carefully picks up Margaret and holds her, petting her softly.

    "It's okay, Margaret," Quigor says very gently.

    "Bad come lunch," Margaret tries to explain about the scary alien.

    Quigor sets their pet carefully on their lap and picks up her bowl of food, giving her a spoon to eat It with.

    "Good breakfast, Margaret," Quigor says.

    "No good lunch," Margaret answers, refusing to eat. She squirms out of her owner's grasp and heads for the swimming pool.

    Quigor quickly captures her and places her back inside her cage with her food bowl, spoon, and cup with a lid. Quigor then eats their petal salad for breakfast. Human pets are not allowed outside of their cages in this building unless they are being held by their owners or led outside on a leash.  

    When Quigor is finished with their breakfast they check on their pet to see if she has eaten her food yet. They discover that not only has the pet not eaten, she has gone back to bed also.

    Quigor decides to leave their sleeping pet in the cage while they ride on an underwater vehicle.   

    Margaret wakes up a few hours later to find that she is very hungry and that her owner is gone! She decides to eat her breakfast. It doesn't taste too bad.

    A scary looking alien enters the room. Margaret races to her bed and dives under the covers to hide. She watches as the scary looking alien takes out her food bowl and replaces it with a clean food bowl containg more "dog food." (Human food.) Then the scary alien takes the potty out of her cage and leaves, locking her cage door.

    Having just finished eating, Margaret needs to use the potty, which is now gone! She is too afraid of the alien inhabitants of this planet to call for help from them. She tries desperately to figure out what to do.

    The scary alien returns a few minutes later. Margaret quickly hides from them in her bed again. They put the now clean potty back into her cage. Then they leave her alone in the room again. 

    Margaret quickly uses the potty as soon as the scary alien is gone.

    Then Margaret climbs the bars of the cage in order to reach the latch on the cage door. It is locked, but after an hour of trying Margaret finally gets the cage door to open.

    Margaret find the container of supplies her owner has packed for her and opens it. She looks through the supplies until she finds her swimsuit.

    Margaret quickly changes into her swimsuit and goes over to the swimming pool in the room.

    Margaret is still playing in the swimming pool when their owner returns.

    Quigor thought they left their pet safely locked in her cage.

    Margaret looks at her owner through the cage bars. "Margaret no bad. Margaret play water. Play water good," she says, not understanding why her owner was upset with her.   

    Quigor realizes their pet dosen't understand what she did wrong. They look into her cage and see her full bowl of untouched food. They think it is the same bowl of food from morning.

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