Special Pet Part 36

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    Margaret realizes that if it was just Thanksgiving that Christmas is coming next. She must find a way to tell Quigor! Wait! She thinks Emily said she'd help her explain.

    "Quigor come! Margaret Emily!" She cries. 

    "No, Margaret. No Emily," Quigor says, coming over to Margaret's bed to pick her up. 

    "Quigor, Margaret Emily," Margaret pleads despearatly as she is carefully picked up and carried to the bathroom. 

    Quigor can tell that thier pet is quite upset, as she looks as if she might start crying. "It's okay, Margaret. Margaret potty. Margaret breakfast. It's okay, Margaret," they tell her gently.

    Margaret continues begging for Emily after she is finished in the bathroom. She begins to cry when Quigor tells her no.

    Quigor can't figure out why Margaret is so upset about Emily after she just seen her yesterday. "Margaret cook?" They ask to try and distract her.

    "Okay, Margaret cook!" Margaret cries happily. She follows Quigor to the kitchen. 

    Quigor carefully picks up their pet and shows her the options to choose from to make breakfast. There are some three dimensional photographs of what the prepared food will look like.

    Margaret selects blueberry pancakes. "Cook!" She cries, picking up the picture and handing it to her owner. 

    "Okay, Margaret," Quigor says gently, gathering thier pet and the ingredients carefully together.

    The counter is far too high for the pet human, so she is placed in her highchair beside where Quigor is working. They let her mix together the batter, helping her as needed. Then Quigor cooks the pancakes for her. Quigor makes lelakesa for themselves to eat.

    Margaret and her highchair are picked up and carefully carried closer to Quigor's table and she is given her pancakes to eat. Margaret is allowed to choose whether she wants orange juice or milk to drink. 

    Margaret chooses orange juice and they happily eat breakfast together. Margaret has come up with a new plan to tell her owner what she wants. 

    When Quigor picks her up to take her to the bathroom she escapes afterward and runs over to her paper and crayons. Quigor follows close behind. They allow her to play in the room designed for her while they do chores, putting up the forcefield to keep her in the room.

    Margaret begins drawing a very detailed illustration of a Christmas tree, adding lots of ornaments to her picture. She works hard on it until lunchtime, getting it all colored in. 

    Margaret proudly shows Quigor her picture when they come get her for lunch. 

    "Good, Margaret!" Quigor says, carefully picking her up. 

    "Margaret, Emily," thier pet begs again, seeing that they don't understand her drawing.

    "No, Margaret. It's okay, Margaret. Margaret lunch. Cook?" Quigor says gently to thier pet.

    "Okay. Cook, lunch, Emily," Margaret states.

    "No Emily, Margaret," Quigor says while carrying her to the kitchen to prepare lunch. 

    Margaret gets to stir the ingredients together and put the tator tots on top of the tator tot casserole they make together for her. She is then placed carefully into her playpen while it cooks.

    Margaret finds her green blocks and carefully builds a Christmas tree out of them. She runs out of green blocks before she is finished. "Quigor, come!" The pet cries.   

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