Special Pet Part 44

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    Quigor carefully carries thier sleepy pet out to thier vehicle. Then they drive her to thier house.

    Margaret is carefully carried inside and gently placed onto pillows and blankets in her playpen with some toys. Margaret happily plays with her pony blocks. 

    Margaret is sleeping with her ponies with her head on a pillow and covered up with the blankets in her playpen when Quigor comes to check on her. Quigor carefully picks her up and carries her to her bed, gently placing her in it.

    Margaret is confused when she wakes up. It takes her a minute to realize that her owner must have put her in her bed. 

    Margaret climbs out of bed and examines a container which belongs to her owner, figuring out how to open it. There are lots of interesting things inside.

    Margaret picks up an object to examine it. It has an interesting shape. It is shiny and lights up when rubbed. Margaret likes the object and decides to keep it.

    Margaret chooses a dress with pockets to wear and puts it on. She pockets the interesting object she found.

    Margaret eagerly searches through the rest of the container. She opens a ball to find a tiny flower garden inside. The pretty flowers have blue, red, and yellow blossoms. Margaret happily pockets the tiny flower garden too.

    Margaret is listening closely for her owner. She can tell they are in the kitchen, probably making supper. She continues looking through Quigor's belongings.

    Margaret grabs several other objects and places them into her pockets too before closing and replacing Quigor's container.

    Margaret goes to the bathroom and heads to the room which was designed for her.

    Quigor carefully picks up their pet when she is on her way to the room which is designed for her. They can tell she has something in her pockets, so they check to see what it is. 

    "No, Quigor!" Margaret cries, upset.

   "It's okay, Margaret," Quigor says, petting her softly and taking the items out of her pockets.

    Quigor recognizes their belongings and realizes what Margaret has done. They place thier pet gently into timeout and go put thier belongings away, moving the container to where Margaret can't reach it.

    Margaret begins crying in timeout, thinking about the tiny flower garden and other objects Quigor took away from her.

    Twenty minutes later, Quigor very gently picks up thier crying human and carries her over to a very soft examination table they have set up in a room in thier house. Here they very gently change her dressings and check to make sure she's okay.

    "You're okay, Margaret. Supper," Quigor says, gently picking thier pet up from the soft examination table and carrying her over to her highchair. 

    "Margaret okay?" The human asks as she is carefully placed into her highchair.

    "Yes, Margaret's okay," Quigor gently reassures her, giving her a bowl of beef stew with a grilled cheese sandwich and a glass of milk for supper. Quigor eats Palasha for thier supper.

    Margaret is taken to the bathroom and then placed in her playpen after supper. She wants to make some four leaf clovers for Saint Patrick's Day. "Quigor, Margaret," she tells her owner.

    "Yes, Margaret good pet," Quigor says kindly, petting her sofly. 

    "No, Quigor! Margaret!" The pet human cries, frustrated that she doesn't know how to ask for what she wants.

    "Margaret, come here. It's okay, Margaret," Quigor says, gently picking Margaret up and holding her carefully in a blanket.

    Margaret likes being held. She calms down while Quigor holds her and pets her softly.

    Emily contacts Quigor on thier device. "Quigor, Margaret okay? Margaret come home?" She asks in Nivish. 

    "Yes, Emily, Margaret home. Margaret good," Quigor says. 

    "Emily! Margaret Emily!" Margaret cries excitedly in Nivish, wanting to see Quigor's device.

    "Okay, Margaret," Quigor says, letting Margaret see Emily on thier device. 

    "Margaret, how are you? Are you okay? I've been so worried about you!" Emily asks her friend in English. 

    "I'm okay, Emily. I feel pretty good now. I'm just tired. How do you ask your owner to let you draw four leaf clovers?" Margaret asks in English. 

    "Quigor, Margaret color plant?" Emily asks in Nivish. 

    "Yes, Emily," Quigor says. "Quigor talk Mepo?"

    "Margaret Emily talk!" Emily protests in Nivish. 

    "Okay, Emily. It's okay. Emily talk Margaret," Mepo says gently while petting Emily softly to calm her. "She's been worried about her friend lately, Quigor."

    Emily and Margaret are allowed to talk for fifteen minutes before Quigor places Margaret into bed for the night and speaks with Mepo alone.

    Quigor and Mepo talk for a while. Mepo mentions that they found a cheap used pet human device that they would like to give to Margaret. It is set on the simplest setting, so Margaret should be able to figure it out. 

    "Oh, that will be fine Mepo. Thank you! Margaret did enjoy playing with the one at the Hospital," Quigor says.

    "The pets will be able to talk to each other on their devices too Quigor. You won't need to let her use your's anymore," Mepo says. 

    "Oh, that will be so nice. They love to talk to each other and play together. They are so cute," Quigor says. 

    The aliens talk for a while longer before saying goodbye and going to bed.

    Quigor's sister Oypalla contacts them in the morning, all excited."We got a new human, Quigor! I never thought we could afford one, but this one was cheaper because she has special needs. Her name is Susie. Her owner was having trouble caring for her, so she let me buy her."

    "Susie? I know Susie! I met her at the Pet Human Daycare the other day. She has special needs? Do you know whats wrong with her?" Quigor asks. 

    "Of course, Quigor. She has significant brain damage and severe learning disabilities. She's not potty trained and she can't talk very much or understand what we say very well. We have to dress her and bathe her because she can't do it on her own," Oypalla says.    

     "That sounds like a lot of work. No wonder she was cheaper," Quigor says. 

    "Oh, it's no trouble. The kids care for her. She's thier pet. They're the ones that wanted her," Oypalla says. 

    "I hope they're carefull with her. She sounds pretty fragile," Quigor says. 

    "My husband and I supervise them with the human and they're very gentle with her Quigor. Don't worry, she's safe. She really likes playing with the kids too. It's good because it teaches the children responsibility. Mother contacted me and said your human was in the Hospital. She said your pet had surgery and just got home yesterday. We'd like to come visit you when Margaret is feeling better. The kids love her!" Oypalla says. 

    "Sure, I'd love to have you over in about a week once Margaret has her stiches removed," Quigor agrees. "Good luck with your new pet human!"

    "Thank you Quigor! Susie is so sweet! We just love her! You should see the cute stuff she does. We'll see you in about a week then," Oypalla says. The aliens say goodbye.

    Author's Note: Thank you for reading Special Pet! Please consider voting or commenting if you enjoyed the story. I have drawn pictures of Quigor, Mepo, and Lioslay. Their pictures can be found on Special Pet Parts 1, 17, and 26.   

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