Special Pet Part 37

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    Quigor gently picks up their pet human in the morning and carries her to the bathroom. They let her pick out what she wants to wear afterward.

    Margaret happily runs over to the kitchen to help make breakfast. She chooses pancakes when her owner asks her what she would like to make.

    Margaret tries to make the pancakes Christmas tree and gingerbread man shaped but her owner won't let her. "No, Quigor!" She says as her owner shapes them into normal pancakes. She tries to shape them back into Christmas trees and gingerbread men.

    "No, Margaret!" Quigor says firmly. Margaret does not cooperate, so she is placed inside her small timeout pen while the pancakes cook.

    The pet is gently placed into her highchair when the pancakes are ready. She is given orange juice to drink with her pancakes.

    Quigor eats flower petal cakes for breakfast.

    Quigor decides to play a game with their pet after breakfast. They decide to try the game they had ordered for her once again. They carefully pick up Margaret and carry her to the bathroom. She is carried out to Quigor's living room afterward, where they set up the game. Margaret is given her glowing shapes and stand. 

    Margaret happily grabs the glowing shapes and examines them closely. She remembers these toys.

    The object of this game is to arrange the shapes in patterns. Quigor has a much longer pattern than Margaret has. Margaret doesn't know this is a game and thinks it is a really fun shape playset.

    Margaret plays happily with her shapes, this time leaving Quigor's shapes alone. She watches her owner curiously, and notices that they are arranging thier shapes into some sort of complex pattern. The pattern is much too complicated for her to figure out, but it somehow resembles a pattern to her.

    Quigor sees that thier pet is struggling to understand what they are doing. They very gently try to help her figure out her own shape pattern. 

    But Margaret misunderstands. "No, Quigor! Margaret play!" She cries, annoyed, not understanding that they are only trying to show her something and help here.

    "Okay, Margaret. It's okay, Margaret. Margaret play. It's okay," Quigor tells her, withdrawing thier assistance and allowing her to play with her shapes however she wants to while they play the game like it was meant to be played.

    Margaret watches Quigor with interest for a while, and then she tries to take one of thier shapes.

    "No, Margaret!" Quigor says firmly, catching her hand. They carefully pick her up and place her into her pen, giving her set of glowing shapes and stand for them to her to play with. 

    Margaret tries to get out of her pen and go to her owner. "Quigor, Margaret come!" She cries. "Margaret play Quigor!"

    Quigor carefully picks up their pet and holds her gently. They pet her sofly. "Okay, Margaret play Quigor," they tell her. They show her thier complicated shape pattern. "Quigor's. Margaret no play," they try to explain. They carefully pick up thier pet's set of shapes and her stand and show it to her.  

    Still holding Margaret, they say "Margaret's. Margaret play okay."

    Margaret watches them closely. "Okay, Quigor. Quigor play Margaret?" She asks. 

    "Yes, Margaret. Quigor play Margaret," Quigor answers her gently.

    Margaret finally realizes that Quigor was trying to help her arrange her shapes into a pattern. She now feels bad for telling them no earlier. But she doesn't know how to ask for help. "Quigor come Margaret. Quigor play," she tries to explain, touching her shapes and looking at her owner.

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