Special Pet Part 5

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    The next day Margaret takes a morning bath and is placed in her highchair afterward. She is fed a sandwich and carrot sticks for lunch. Her owner eats more unrecognizable food.

    After lunch, Margaret is lifted out of her highchair and taken for a walk around the neighborhood. The houses look very strange and different to Margaret. Not at all like houses on Earth. Margaret stares hard at them and at strange objects in the yards. She cannot even begin to guess what they are used for.

    Margaret doesn't know it, but Quigor doesn't feel well today, so she is going to Quigor's parent's house for a few days. (Her owner felt well enough to take her for a walk. They also wanted Margaret to get tired.) They walk back to Quigor's house.

    Margaret is placed in the alien's vehicle. She is very tired from the walk. (What is a long walk to Margaret is a short walk to her owner. Remember, her owner is eight feet tall.)

    Margaret is asleep by the time they arrive. She is handed to Quigor's Mother, who carries her to an outdoor cage and carefully lays her down in the fuzz. Quigor's Mother's name is Nyqota. She has tan and brown speckled fur with a white tummy.  Margaret is covered with a blanket as her owner leaves to go home and rest for a few days. Margaret wakes up from her nap to find herself alone in a cage. It is about fifteen feet long. Margaret sees what looks like dog bowls on the fuzz on the ground. One has water in it and one has what looks like dog food in it. There is a rubber ball in the cage and some blankets.

    Margaret refuses to eat the food. She checks the cage for a door. There is a door but the latch is too high up and has a lock on it. The door is locked and she cannot open it.

    Desperate, Margaret picks up the ball and throws it at the lock again and again. The ball bounces harmlessly off from it. Margaret tries to climb up the cage to the lock. But the lock is very high up and she isn't the best climber. She can't quite make it.

    Exhausted, Margaret lands back on the fuzz. She looks at the water bowl. It seems clean enough. She is thirsty, so she goes over and drinks the water. She wonders why her owner left her here. Has she done something wrong? Does she have to live here forever? It is a pleasant temperature outside and there is a nice breeze. The yard outside the cage looks big. Margaret watches strange looking animals climbing up the giant flowers and scurrying along the soft fuzz on the ground. She wonders if she can dig her way out of the cage.

    The fuzz turns out to be much tougher than grass from Earth. She can't even make a dent in it. Margaret knows she needs some kind of a shovel.

    Suddenly her owner's Mother comes outside holding some type of container. She says something Margaret can't understand. Although Margaret can understand her name.

    Nyqota notices that Margaret's water bowl is empty and refills it for her. She looks at Margaret's food bowl and sees that Margaret has not eaten anything. This will not do at all. She promised Quigor that she would take good care of this pet.

    She opens the cage and picks up the human. Holding Margaret tightly, she feeds her the food. Margaret refuses to eat and puts up quite a fight, but loses because the alien is much bigger and stronger than her. Margaret doesn't like how the food tastes at all. She starts crying.

    Nyqota notices how upset Margaret is and tries to comfort her.

   "It's okay, Margaret," she says. Margaret can understand these words.

    She gently pets and rocks Margaret until she calms down

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    She gently pets and rocks Margaret until she calms down. Then she carefully sets Margaret back down in the cage and locks the door on it.

    Margaret can't stand the taste in her mouth so she picks up the water bowl and drinks all of the water.

   Nyqota watches her and removes the empty bowls from the cage. The alien takes the bowls into the house. A short while later the alien returns with the bowls refilled. Margaret is then left alone in the cage for about two hours.

    Then Nyqota returns carrying Margaret's nightgown. Margaret is dressed for bed in the pretty nightgown. The blankets are arranged so they are soft and comfortable for her. Margaret is carefully laid on the soft blankets and then covered with two more blankets. Margaret is petted and the alien speaks softly to her before she is left alone to sleep for the night.

    Margaret wakes up in the morning to find herself still in the cage. Nyqota comes to see her after a while bringing a beautiful flowered dress for Margaret. Margaret is taken out of her cage. Margaret takes a bath with some toys and then wears the beautiful dress. She is then placed back in her cage. Margaret is given some blocks to play with along with the ball. She is left alone for a while.

   Margaret looks around for anything she can use as a shovel, but finds nothing. Not even a rock. Then she starts wondering where she would go even if she did escape. The aliens are a lot bigger and stronger than her. She doesn't know if they are all as friendly as the ones she's met.

    Frustrated, Margaret decides she might as well play with her blocks. She builds a castle out of them.

    A strange looking animal approaches Margaret's cage. It has a round body and short legs, and is covered in something that looks like a cross between fur and feathers. The animal is about the size of a large dog. It walks up to the cage and sniffs Margaret, perhaps wondering if she is good to eat. Frightened, Margaret runs to the other end of the cage.

    The animal tries to stick it's paw in the cage. Margaret tries to yell for help, but the aliens can't understand English and apparently can't hear her.

    The animal sniffs Margaret's food and tries hard to get to it. Margaret hides at the other end of the cage. She's still not sure if this creature is dangerous or not. She wishes the aliens would see what is going on.

    Finally the animal figures out how to reach into the cage with it's paw and eat the food. It drinks Margaret's water too and then decides to leave.

     Margaret is glad the animal is finally gone, but now she has no water and she is thirsty. At least she knows the alien word for drink, if she could only get their attention. (Margaret doesn't know it, but the aliens are using their fancy virtual reality/other dimension TV to watch their favorite programs and that's why they didn't notice what was happening outside. They are at a fancy restaurant having lunch inside the TV program.) Her owner's Father never comes outside because he is allergic to humans.

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