Special Pet Part 33

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    In the morning, Quigor contacts Teg the Pet Human Trainer to see when they can bring Margaret in for more training. Teg says that Quigor can bring her in this afternoon if they would like.

    "Sure! That will be fine! Thank you!" Quigor says. "We'll see you later today then." They say goodbye to Teg.  

    Quigor goes over to Margaret's bed and carefully picks her up. Still sleepy, Margaret holds onto them tightly and rests her head on them with her eyes closed.

    Quigor carries Margaret into the bathroom, but she won't let go of them.

    "Bed, Quigor. Margaret come bed," Margaret says.

    "Margaret breakfast?" Quigor asks gently.

    "Okay, Margaret lunch," their pet agrees. She then allows Quigor to set her down so she can use the bathroom.

    Margaret picks her own clothing and dresses herself afterwards. She then goes to the kitchen and struggles to pull out Quigor's chair.

    "No, Margaret," Quigor says firmly, carefully picking her up and setting her gently into her highchair. "Margaret chair," Quigor says gently but firmly. 

    Quigor goes to prepare Margaret's scrambled eggs.

    "Quigor come! Margaret come lunch!" Margaret cries. (She knows the Nivish word for breakfast by now, but she can't pronounce it. That's why she calls breakfast lunch.)

    "Stay Margaret," Quigor commands. "Margaret breakfast."

    "Margaret no stay! Margaret come Quigor!" Margaret argues.

    Quigor dosen't understand that Margaret wants to help prepare the food. 

    Quigor says firmly "Margaret stay!" As they continue preparing the food.

    Margaret manages to find a way to undo her fasteners and tries to climb out of her highchair. 

    Quigor rushes over and captures Margaret before she falls. They carry her over to her small timeout pen and place her inside it.

    Margaret begins to cry as Quigor leaves her in timeout while they go to finish preparing breakfast. She is very frustrated that her owner won't let her help prepare breakfast. 

    Quigor carefully picks up there still crying pet and carefully places her in her highchair again 10 minutes later. "Stay," they command firmly. They intend to get the fasteners changed soon as these are no longer safe since she has learned how to undo them.

    Margaret is too upset to reply properly. She tries to say "okay" but it comes out as being unintelligible. She soon finds scrambled eggs with toast and orange juice on her highchair tray. "Thank you Quigor," she tries to say as she begins to eat her food.

    Quigor can just barely make out Margaret's words as they are badly mispronounced. They eat their breakfast of strange shapes in an unknown substance while watching their pet closely.

    Margaret eats her food and then looks at her owner pleadingly. She has stopped crying. "Quigor come? Margaret play? Margaret no bad," she says. 

    Quigor carefully picks up the pet human after they are finished eating. "Margaret bad. Margaret no stay chair," they try to explain to her as they carry her to the bathroom. 

    Margaret holds onto her owner tightly. She begins to cry again and unitelligibly says in Nivish "Margaret no bad."

    Quigor tries to remove her clothing to bathe her, but Margaret says "No, Quigor! Margaret clothes!"

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