Speacial Pet Part 2

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                                             A Description of Quigor's Home

        Margaret can see many similarities with her home; the alien has TV and games to play, but not as she knows them. 

    The speech-activated T.V. is set up for virtual reality, as one can choose to be inside the program or to watch it on a screen. There are button inputs on the TV which serve as a backup in case the speech activation malfunctions or needs to be reset. Though similar to humans' virtual reality, it is not the same thing at all; for another dimension is entered during the television program. The objects, food, and actors on the program are real and the food is edible, too; no harm can come to anyone watching or being on the program. Margaret is currently not allowed to enter the TV programs because her owner is quite certain she would be frightened.

    The video games are basically the same idea:  A treasure chest or storage box comes with the game when you buy it. The player can keep small versions of treasures and items.  No one can be hurt unless there is a problem with the programming -which is very rare- and usually the games are completely safe. Most games are considered too scary for pet humans, except a specifically purchased baby game called "Play with Ponies".   

    The eight-foot pantry holds large quantities of food; it automatically arranges to fit whatever food is being stored on different shelves; each with their own temperate shield to keep the food fresh. The shelf is pretty high and Quigor does not think Margaret is intelligent enough to reach the food. The oven does not work as Margaret is used to, or look familiar at all; neither does the washing machine.

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