Special Pet Part 18

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    Emily excitedly tells Margaret that she can come play at her house.

    "When?" Margaret asks, very excited.

    "I don't know how to ask my owner that. I'm sorry. I'll try to ask," Emily says in English to Margaret.

    Emily looks up at Mepo. "Margaret food? Margaret come play food? Bed Margaret stay?" She asks, wanting to know if Margaret can come over for supper.

    Mepo looks at Emily before replying. "Margaret no stay bed. Yes, Margaret come play. Good friend Emily!"

    "Margaret play? Play good! Come play? Play come?" Margaret asks excitedly.

    "Yes, Margaret play Emily," Quigor tells their pet kindly, picking her up off from the floor and holding her again. Quigor is very glad Margaret has found another human to be her friend.

    Quigor turns to Mepo. "Well, I've got some more shopping to do and I'm sure you have too. Is it alright if I contact you later today about when they can play together?"

    "Of course, Quigor. My pet would love that. I think she's as excited as your human, Margaret," Mepo replies.

    The aliens exchange contact information and Quigor carries Margaret to a different part of the Pet Human Supply Store. 

    "Play Emily?" Margaret asks.

    "No, Margaret," Quigor replies, meaning not right now but not knowing how to explain that to Margaret.

    Margaret misunderstands and starts crying.

   Quigor realizes the pet doesn't understand. "It's okay, Margaret. Emily play. It's okay," they say very gently, petting her.

    Margaret stops crying and looks at them. "Emily play?" She asks.

    "Yes, Margaret. Emily play," Quigor says, realizing they need to try to teach Margaret some words for time of day or other times.

    Quigor brings Margaret to the section of the store with clothing for female pet humans.

    Margaret looks at all of the dresses, nightgowns, underwear, and other clothing there. Quigor holds her, carefully looking through the clothing for her. They select a peach colored dress with reddish orange flowers on it. Quigor then selects several pairs of underwear for the human. Margaret watches them closely.

    "Good, Margaret," Quigor says, petting her.

    Quigor selects some nightgowns and pajamas for Margaret to wear to bed. They think the clothing should be the right sizes, but it is hard to be sure since humans vary in size considerably.

    Quigor carries Margaret to the changing room for pet humans to make sure the clothing fits her. Margaret does a very good job trying on the clothing. It all fits her quite well. Quigor is very impressed with thier pet.

    "Good girl, Margaret!" Quigor says.

    After Margaret is finished trying on the clothing Quigor carries her over to the socks and shoes for pet humans.

    Margaret watches with interest as her owner selects several pairs of socks for her and examines the shoes. Margaret squirms to be put down, wanting to pick out her own pair of shoes.

     "Okay, Margaret," Quigor says, gently setting the pet on the floor and keeping her on the three foot leash while she looks at the shoes.

    Margaret excitedly looks at the shoes and then grabs a pair she likes. She picks them up, struggling to get them out of their container.

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