Special Pet Part 4

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    The next day Quigor takes Margaret to the park for a walk. The park has many tall and interesting plants in it. There are large plants that resemble trees from Earth somewhat, but they are solid green with giant colorful flowers growing on top of them. There are soft fuzzy plants covering the soil. The sky is a pretty shade of blue.

    Margaret stares hard at all of the interesting sights. She has never seen anything quite like it before. There are furry creatures moving along the fuzz covering the ground. Some are small but many are fairly large. There are flying creatures in the tree like plants. They have many pretty colors and interesting sounds. The pet enjoys the walk.

    They return home and Margaret happily plays with her toy ponies while the alien prepares lunch. When it is ready, Margaret is placed in her highchair and given tuna salad to eat for lunch. The alien eats something completely unrecognizable to her.

    The pet plays for a while after lunch while Quigor uses a device to contact a friend. It is decided that they will visit Quigor's friend for the afternoon.

    Margaret is carefully carried and placed in the alien's vehicle. She is finally getting more accustomed to riding in it and is less frightened now. She is okay while they travel to the friends' house.

    When they arrive at the friends' house, Quigor decides to play a video game with their friend. Margaret is not allowed to play and she is placed in a pen with some toys. 

    Margaret can't really tell what the aliens are doing. All she understood them say was the word play. She builds a nice house out of the blocks given to her. She watches as her owner puts small objects into a fancy box. Objects that were not there previously.

    "How did they get objects out of thin air?" she wonders. They are talking excitedly but she cannot understand any of it. Her dolls and baby ponies are cute but not very interesting to her right now.

    After studying them for half an hour, Margaret finally realizes that they are playing some sort of game. It looks like fun, and she wants to play too. She says the word "play" in the alien's language. They don't notice her. Margaret keeps trying.

    After a while her owners' friend notices Margaret watching and saying "play". The friends discuss what to do. Margaret cannot play this game, as it would frighten her. It is decided that since Margaret wants to play with them they will stop playing this for now and play Frisbee with Margaret. So Margaret is let out of the pen and they play Frisbee with her until she is tired.

   Margaret sleeps with some blankets placed in her pen with her while the two aliens return to their previous game.

    The aliens decide they would like to go swimming in the beach/bathtub after supper. This is a bathtub which can be set to be either a regular tub or a beach. The bathtub is in this dimension, but there is a portal to the beach. That way the beach doesn't have to fit inside the house; it is in another dimension. Anyone can own this type of beach/bathtub on this planet.

    Quigor picks Margaret up and places her in her highchair. (It is made to be portable.) She is fed chicken Parmesan and green beans for supper. (Her owner did a lot of research about the human diet and cooking on Earth prior to her capture.) The aliens eat food totally unrecognizable to Margaret.

    The aliens discuss whether or not it is safe to allow Margaret on the beach. Quigor says that the vet said it is okay for her to be in the water. (It doesn't take as long to heal with the alien's better technology.) They decide to allow Margaret in with them. They will watch her very closely to make sure she is safe.

    Margaret is gently lifted out of the highchair and placed in a room alone with a bathing suit. Margaret understands the command to change her clothes now. Her owner returns to get her after ten minutes. Margaret is ready. She is picked up and carried to the beach, where  she is carefully placed in the shallow part of the water.

    Margaret loves to play in the water. Her companions go into the deeper part, but one of them always stays in the shallower part with her. They play by the beach for hours.

    Margaret also loves to play in the sand. She builds elaborate castles. Her owner, fascinated, watches her. The aliens are amazed that the pet is able to build these creations out of the sand. They begin building their own structures on different parts of the sand. Thiers' are far more elaborate than Margaret's, as their species has much greater intelligence than humans.

    Margaret's owner uses a device to take a picture of the sand structures. It is similar to a camera picture, but it is three dimensional, and the sand structures can be touched in the photograph as well as gazed upon. The pictures can also change in size.

     Margaret wants to pick it up and hold it, but her owner will not let her as it is somewhat fragile.

    It is getting late. Quigor picks Margaret up and carries her off the beach, drying her off with a towel. Margaret is placed alone in the room again with a night gown and commanded to change her clothes.

    Margaret's owner checks on her after ten minutes. Margaret is ready and dressed in the pretty night gown. Margaret is carefully picked up and carried to Quigor's vehicle. Her owner drives them home after bidding farewell to their friend. Margaret is carefully placed in her bed as soon as they arrive at home. Margaret looks around the room and sees her owner's bed. The alien's bed is about 11 feet long, close to her height, and 5 or 6 feet wide. 

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