Special Pet Part 13

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    Quigor's Mother, named Nyqota, arrives in the morning before Margaret is awake. She is very happy to see Quigor. They visit with each other for a while in Quigor's living room while the pet sleeps. Then they go together to get Margaret.

    Margaret is bathed and then dressed in a pretty outfit. Her hair is combed, and then Nyqota carries the pet to her highchair.

    Nyqota feeds the pet cereal while Quigor prepares food for the aliens. Margaret can hear the aliens talking but she understands none of it. She watches them eat square cubes on top of flower petals. 

    The aliens discuss the pet's health and behavior as well as other topics.

    They go to Quigor's living room after breakfast, with Nyqota carrying Margaret. Nyqota holds Margaret on her lap as she sits down. Margaret looks up at her, confused.

   " Good girl. Such a sweet pet," Nyqota says, petting Margaret.

    They continue talking, and after awhile Margaret is placed in the pen with her toys. Margaret remembers that she wants to go to the beach. She picks up the beach that she made and holds it, trying to say "come."

    " Oh, look, she wants to show us what she made," Nyqota says, going over to the pet.

    " Good, Margaret! How pretty!" Nyqota tells the pet.

    "Play? Come play?" Margaret says pointing to the beach she made and mispronouncing "come."

    "She wants us to play with her. What should we do with her, Quigor?"

    Quigor comes over to Margaret and very gently picks her up. " Let's take her outside for a while so she can get some exercise," Quigor replies.

    Margaret is carefully placed on the lawn with her ball to play with while the aliens discuss going to dinner at a restaurant for supper and go into a portal activity together after supper.

    " That sounds wonderful. But what about Margaret?" Quigor asks.

    " I'll ask my friend Azzeela if she can watch Margaret for a few hours for us. I'll bet she'd be delighted to," Quigor's Mother, Nyqota answers.

    Nyqota has known Azzeela for years. Azzeela works at  a Veterinary Clinic. Quigor allows thier  mother to use their device to contact Azzeela while Quigor plays in the yard with Margaret.

    Margaret likes playing with the ball. Quigor plays a  new game with her where the ball is placed inside a circle of giant flower petals.

    Margaret picks up one of the giant flower petals and stares at it. It's almost as long as she is tall!

    Quigor covers the ball with the giant flower petals, hiding it from view.

    Not knowing what else to do, Margaret sets down the giant petal and  begins digging for the ball.

   " No Margaret," Quigor says firmly, picking her up and setting her down away from the ball.

    Quigor hands Margaret a giant flower petal, while they also pick one up. Quigor smoothes the petals Margaret had dug through. Then Quigor holds their petal and carefully uses it to move the petals in the pile.

    "Margaret, come," Quigor commands. 

    Margaret slowly comes, holding her giant petal and watching her owner closely.

    Quigor's Mother, Nyqota comes outside to watch them play.

    "Azzeela said she'd love to watch your sweet pet for a few hours for us," Quigor's Mother Nyqota says.

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