Special Pet Part 16

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    Margaret is very excited when her owner picks her up out of bed in the morning. She hugs Quigor happily. Quigor pets her and carries her to the bathroom with some clothing for her to put on.

    After Margaret is dressed Quigor places her in her highchair. Margaret is very happy and points to where the food is.

    Nyqota walks into the dining room and sees the happy pet. Nyqota will be going back home after supper today.

    "Look at Margaret, Quigor! She's so happy today!" Nyqota says.

    "I'm very glad," Quigor replies, feeding Margaret some pancakes.

    Quigor and Nyqota eat rainbow colored cubes filled with tiny tan colored orbs.

    Margaret looks at the alien's food and points to it asking "Play?"

    "No, Margaret," Quigor says gently, giving her some orange juice to drink.

    Margaret eats her breakfast happily, still staring at the food the aliens are eating.

    After breakfast Quigor picks Margaret up and places her in her pen after she is finished using the bathroom.

    Quigor and Nyqota play a very complicated game together.

    Margaret wants her paper and crayons but she doesn't know how to ask for them and doesn't know where the aliens have gone.

    "Come!" Margaret cries, but she gets no response. Her owner has made sure she can't get out of the pen she's in. Quigor changed the door locks yesterday while Margaret was in timeout so she won't be able to open the doors to the outside anymore.

    Margaret gives up and plays with her toy ponies for a while. The ponies play in the beach she has built for them.

    After a while Quigor returns and carefully picks Margaret up. Quigor lets Margaret go to the bathroom and then carries her out to the yard.

    Margaret tries to pretend she's drawing, but Quigor doesn't understand what she wants. They pet Margaret gently.

    The aliens have hidden toys in the yard for Margaret to find. Quigor gently sets Margaret down on the fuzz and takes her by hand, leading her to one of the hidden toys.

    Margaret sees the toy and picks it up. It is a cube filled with water and toy fish which look very real.

    Margaret gets an idea. She puts the toy down and grabs the fuzz, trying to pull it out of the ground and make a bare patch. But it doesn't work. She isn't strong enough to pull up the fuzz.

    "Come, Margaret," Quigor says, gently taking the pet's hand.

    They approach the giant floor in the yard. There is a toy beside it. It is one of Margaret's toy ponies.

   Margaret isn't interested in the toy pony. She runs around the yard looking for a bare patch, but she can't find any. She crawls inside the stem of the giant flower. She starts to draw with her finger in the dirt.

    But then Quigor picks the human up, not understanding what she's doing. Margaret says "No!" and tries to squirm out of their grasp. It doesn't work.

    Quigor carefully sets the pet down on the fuzz again. She immediatly runs back to the flower stem.

    "No, Margaret! Come, Margaret!" Quigor commands.

    Margaret ignores her owner, so Quigor picks her up again.

    "No!" Margaret says, squirming and trying to get away.

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