Special Pet Part 30

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    In the morning, Quigor gently picks up Margaret and lets her choose which dress she wants to wear. Margaret chooses a pretty green dress with red lace trim. She happily puts it on.

    Quigor has their pet go potty and then carefully places her in her highchair.

    Margaret watches her owner prepare breakfast for her. She is very excited about her black cat costume.

    "Margaret good clothes! Good lunch!" Margaret cries happily.

    "Good Margaret," Quigor says, serving their happy pet blueberry pancakes and orange juice for breakfast.

    "Good lunch! Thank you, Quigor!" Margaret cries, happily eating the pancakes.

    "Good manners, Margaret," Quigor praises their pet while getting their own breakfast ready.

    "Good Margaret good clothes! Play Margaret Emily lunch clothes! Good play, good lunch!" Margaret cries excitedly. 

    Quigor eats their stem spirals. "Margaret play Emily?" They ask thier pet.

    "Yes, Quigor! Margaret Emily good clothes good lunch!" Margaret says happily, very excited.

    "Quigor ask Mepo," Quigor tries to explain that they must ask their friend to see if Margaret can visit Emily or not. Margaret looks confused.

    "Wait, Margaret," Quigor says, finishing their breakfast. As soon as Margaret finishes hers, they gently pick her up and carry her over to the bathroom. 

    Margaret quickly shuts the bathroom door saying "Quigor no come."

    "Okay, Margaret," Quigor says, waiting patiently for her to come out.

    Margaret comes out after a few minutes. "Margaret clothes!" She says, running to get her cat costume drawing and excitedly showing it to her owner. 

    "Yes, Margaret," Quigor says, carefully putting their pet's collar and leash on her. Margaret hugs them happily.

    "Thank you, Quigor!" Margaret says as she is lead out to her owner's vehicle.  

    Margaret continues talking excitedly all the way to the Pet Human Supply Store. Quigor doesn't fully understand why she is so excited about these clothes, but they are very impressed with her efforts to communicate and her good manners. They decide they will contact Mepo after Margaret has her new clothes.   

    Margaret tries to run into the store ahead of her owner, but is stopped by her leash. Quigor starts moving quickly so that Margaret can go as fast as she wants to.

    Margaret excitedly leads the way to the clothing section. Quigor is surprised and impressed that she remembers where the clothing section is.

    Margaret quickly finds the tights and starts carefully looking through them. Eventually she finds some black tights and picks them up. She struggles to put them into Quigor's shopping container.

    Margaret then tries to find a long-sleeved black shirt which fits well. Quigor watches, fascinated. Finally, Margaret finds the perfect shirt.

    "Good girl, Margaret! Good clothes!" Quigor says, very impressed, carefully picking up their happy pet and carrying her to the changing room.

    Margaret indepently tries the clothing on and it fits well.

    "Good girl, Margaret!" Quigor says, once Margaret is back in her green dress with the red lace trim.

    Margaret motions for her drawing. Quigor allowed her to bring it along to help her communicate with them.

    Margaret points to the hat with cat ears in the drawing.

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