Special Pet Part 25

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    Margaret is given a lavender dress to wear in the morning.  Already anticipating that Margaret will refuse to eat, Quigor gently picks up their pet and makes her eat her human food. Then Quigor carefully places their pet back in her cage and waits for her to use her potty.

    Margaret refuses to use the potty while her owner is watching. She waits until Quigor is busy eating their rainbow petal cakes to use the potty.

    After they are finished eating, Quigor gently picks Margaret up and puts her collar and leash on.

    Margaret is led outside unto the thick purple plants. She follows her owner until they reach an area with the scary aliens and fenced in giant "caterpillars." These animals are called peelmars.

    Margaret looks at the scary aliens and the peelmars and tries to run away, forgetting she is on a leash.

    Quigor carefully picks up their frightened pet and carries her over to the scary aliens and peelmars.

    "It's okay, Margaret," Quigor tells their frightened pet very gently, petting her softly. Then Quigor speaks to the scary looking aliens.

    Margaret doesn't understand anything they are saying, but she starts crying and tries to squirm free when her owner climbs aboard a "giant caterpillar" while holding on to her tightly.

    "Stay Margaret," Quigor commands.

    Margaret looks at the "caterpillar"and the scary alien driving it and she continues crying.

    Quigor tries to comfort the human by petting her and speaking to her softly, but Margaret can't calm down.

    The peelmar finally stops moving and Quigor takes Margaret off from it and they enter a watercraft with Margaret.

    Margaret looks at the "boat." It is very large and full of the scary looking aliens. It looks very different from other boats she's seen.

    Quigor carries Margaret below deck and places her carefully into a small cage as they have been instructed to do. Margaret looks around and sees other creatures inside other cages. They are all wearing collars.

    One of the scary looking aliens approached Margaret's cage and she quickly hides from them in the back of the cage as they open her cage door and put a stuffed animal and some wet human food in a bowl in the cage.

    "She seems shy," the alien tells Quigor in good Nivish. 

    "She's very shy with strangers. May I hold her and feed her? She won't eat her food unless I make her," Quigor says.

    "Doesn't she like it?" The alien asks. "Yes, you may hold her to feed her."  

    "Thank you," Quigor says, opening the cage door and gently picking up Margaret and her food bowl. "She's just not used to this food yet and she's having a hard time adjusting to it. Do you have a spoon?"

    "No good lunch! No thank you!" Margaret interrupts.   

    "Yes, I'll get you a spoon for her," the alien says.

    "Thank you," Quigor says to the alien. To Margaret they say sternly "Margaret eat lunch."

    "No!" Margaret answers defiantly.

    The scary looking alien leaves to find a spoon for Margaret.

    Margaret tries to squirm out of her owner's grasp but it doesn't work. Quigor holds onto her firmly yet gently.

    Margaret looks around the room she's in. There is strange looking furniture for the aliens and large viewing windows showing monstrous creatures swimming within the depths of the waters. 

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