My Brothers Bestfriend Epilogue 1/2

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Kasey's P.O.V

It's difficult getting use to motherhood. Your whole life changes. New times come in, along with new activities. It took me a while to take to it, but I managed fine and Alicia was just so perfect, such an angel for us. She drank her bottle on time and slept at the right hours. We couldn't ask for a better daughter. It took me about a month to get into the pattern, and it's stuck easily ever since.

But let me tell you, it was still an extremely hard month. Not only did I have Alicia, but Matthew was still unconscious. Even though every day I was sure to drop into the hospital - even if it was only for an hour - I still felt beyond guilty. It was my fault that he was in that condition, and I couldn't help but feel the hate I was receiving from the very few visitors he had. But I knew I deserved it.

Not only did I have guilt in my system, but also thankfulness. He had saved me, and most importantly he had saved my baby. The nurse had told me after giving birth that had he not jumped in front of me, chances were I'd have lost baby Alicia, and I'd be in critical condition, like Matthew. But that didn't matter so much to me. My little girl's life meant more to me than my own.

I'd been having those strong feelings that whole month. Along with worry. Worry if he'd ever wake up or not. But thankfully, he did. He woke up twenty six days after the accident, and I was so glad I was there when he did. I couldn't possibly begin to explain the relief that took over my whole body. It was like I could finally breathe again.

Of course Matthew had been the most biggest prick in the world, and maybe he did once deserved to die, but that had all changed the instant he apologized. I'd forgiven him straight away. And so you can imagine how heartfelt that moment was. Even Jacob and Caleb had come to their senses over time and had come to visit regularly, even when he awoke.

Speaking of Jacob, he continued on with his restaurant, and things went extremely well. Business was absolutely flaring, and the whole town was in love with his place. Even I had had quite a few meals there... On the house of course. I'd always loved Jacob's cooking, and to say that I was unbelievably proud of him was just an understatement.

Meanwhile, that month and another three months added on, Jacob and Stefanie had been going through the normal procedures of adoption. They had had regular meetings with their lawyers and had searched for couples, singles or even teens that were adopting out their either born or unborn children. Two months after their search had began, they had found a fifteen year old girl who was exactly who they were looking for.

After going through their court meetings, they'd won the rights to parent the girl's child; a one year old little boy name Jason. Jacob was nineteen and Stefanie eighteen when it finally happened, and they were both so overjoyed that we all knew instantly that they'd made the right choice.

Stefanie made mothering look like the easiest thing in the world, and I guess after a while it was the easiest thing. It becomes a natural thing, so much that you hardly ever even think about it. Stefanie continued to attend high school like her and Jacob had planned, and a year later she was finally done and educated, helping Jacob run the restaurant.

Dayna had taken a completely different career than both Stefanie and I. She'd attended university for a year and half where she later graduated with a primary school teachers' degree. After making long and hard decisions, she'd decided she wanted to teach prep classes, which indeed she done. She made a fantastic teacher, and it's definitely something she enjoys, which makes it all that much better.

Joshua had attended the same university, and had graduated a football player. Caleb had graduated with him, making quarterback and team captain. I think it's fair to say that they're both equally as famous, and are both considered two of the best football players out there. That's my Caleb...

Caleb. Where to start? He's still as perfect as he was when I first started dating him, and I love him just as much. Maybe even more. He's become even more handsome in the last three years since I had his daughter. You'd think that wasn't even possible... But you'd be surprised.

He still treats me like a princess, giving me the things I want. I think he'd give me everything in the world, if only he could find a way possible. He spoils me all the time; taking me out on dates, bringing me flowers home every night, ditching practice just to spend time with me. It's a little easier for us when Alicia is over at Jacob and Stefanie's, playing with Jason. It's good that the two get along, and I've definitely seen a true friendship develop between the two.

Caleb shows me how much he loves me in every way possible. It's safe to say he's still very silly. He knows I know he loves me, and he definitely knows that I love him.

Dad was still around, buzzing in and out here and there. He'd met another woman a year after Alicia was born, and they're now engaged. He moved out of his house to live with her in a couple of towns over, as did Jacob, Stefanie and baby Jason. Caleb and I had then decided that that house just held too many memories to let go of, and so Caleb sold our house and we moved back into our old house.

And last but not least, mine and Caleb's wedding. That hasn't taken place yet, it happens tomorrow. We said we wanted to wait until Alicia was at least two years old, and she's now three. To say I'm not nervous is a lie, and it's a sin to lie. So yes, I'm nervous. Very nervous, actually. I definitely don't want to trip, and I don't want to forget my vows. But there isn't much I can do other then watch where I'm walking.

But I'm also very happy. Marrying Caleb is what I've wanted for so long, and now I'm finally getting it. I can't wait. Mrs James. Oh, I like the sound of that.


All that's left now is the next chapter, the wedding. Hope you enjoyed it! (:

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