My Brothers Bestfriend 27

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We dawdle all the way to our lockers, bitching about the amount of homework that Mr. Lell's handed out last night.

"I think that every time he misses out on some action we cop the brunt of his mood," Stefanie laughs, flipping her hair behind her shoulder.

"He mustn't get laid very often at all, then," I grin as we reach our lockers. I open mine and throw my bag in it, grabbing out the necessary books I'll need for my classes. "So what happened with Taylor? I never got around to asking you,"

"Oh," She shrugs, slamming her locker door closed. "Nothing crazy. He straight out asked for sex and even had the nerve to suggest using your room,"

"My room?" I scoff, leading the way past our roll call room and making the conscious decision on behalf of Stefanie that we're both skipping it today. "That's fucking gross,"

"I agree," She laughs. "At first I thought I overreacted by slapping him, but thinking back now, I'm revoking that decision to instead believe he deserved it,"

We excit the main building and dawdle towards the gym building. We have this block with Dayna but she's still back in home room.

"You still have my gym clothes, yeah?" I ask Stefanie as we round a corner. "I left them in your locker last week,"

"I haven't moved them," She shrugs.

As we near the gym building I hear somebody grunt and I slow to a stop. Stefanie pauses with me, glancing at me strangely. I signal for her to be quiet, to listen. We both stand there silently, struggling to hear much else.

"Come," I whisper as I edge around the art building. I wonder if there's people having sex?

I hear somebody going off about their sister and my eyes widen as I suddenly realise what's going on here. I turn to face Stefanie and she raises her eyebrows at me.

"What's wrong? What are we doi-" Stefanie cuts herself off when we hear another agonised groan. Her mouth becomes slack as she shakes her head. "No? You don't think...?"

I take ahold of her hand and jog around the building to where I can hear them, dragging her with me.

"Who do you think you are?" We hear Jacob yell followed by the sound of him kicking into somebody.

When we finally round the back of the building I stop dead in my tacks, rooted to the spot and scared out of my mind from scene before me.

Matthew's on the ground facing our direction, and he's clutching the left side of his body as his face contorts with pain. His face is extremely bloody and it looks like it's coming from both his nose and his mouth.

My brother is standing over him, his face set with fury and his knuckles bloody and sure to be bruised. I watch as he screams at Matthew, the words going over my head as all I can focus on is Jacob's fist meeting Matthew's face: his cheek, his jaw, his nose.

My eyes disobey my minds' commands and they finally land on Caleb. Tears that I was holding in begin to fall as I watch my boyfriend kick into the piece of shit that's beneath him. Caleb's eyes are unfocused, he's enraged, and I know straight away that Matthew must've done or said something to cause Caleb to become this cold. He is frightening to look at.

My eyes quickly assess Matthew again to see that he's worse, nearly close to unconsciousness.

I begin to hyperventilate, sobbing with no power whatsoever to control it, let alone stop. Beside me Stefanie is taking deep breaths and I can tell she's trying not to break down from the sight before her. The boys are oblivious to our arrival as they remain focused on their goal.

They will be caught! By a student or by a teacher or by Matthew ratting them in - all three options lead to the same outcome: jail for assault.

Finally realising I should be stopping this, I break free from my position of viewing and quickly run to them.

"Jake!" I shout hysterically. "Caleb! Stop it!"

They both ignore me, neither of them even so much as glancing up at me. Recklessly, I pull on Caleb's shoulder, fighting to get his attention. "Caleb! Caleb! Please," I sob and have to take a moment to wipe away my snot. "Please stop! Look what you're doing,"

Caleb doesn't reply to me but as he shifts his attack against Matthew, I know that he recognises my presence. All that's changed is he's now being careful not to hit me as he attacks his prey.

Using the only other idea I have, I fall down to the floor and cradle my knees, making my body as small as I possibly can. I sob loudly, shivering, before I let myself fall further into the dirt.

And then Caleb is suddenly pulling me up and against his chest, hugging me tightly and swaying us slightly, whispering unknown words into my ear and peppering my face with kisses.

"Jacob," I whisper against him. "Stop him, please, Matthew will die,"

Caleb pulls back slightly and stares down at me and I can tell that he wouldn't be phased if that scenario does actually play out. I shake my head angrily and push past him.

"Jacob enough! That's fucking enough!" I yell and storm over towards him with the full intent of standing before Matthew. Whatever this comes to.

Just as I'm about to step in front of my estranged brother, Caleb shoves me and his face is furious. "Are you mental, Kasey?" He snaps at me. "Intentionally standing between this?"

"Stop him," I beg, beginning to heave at the sight before me. "Please, we all need to get out of here,"

Caleb glares at me once more before roughly shoving my brothers shoulders. Jacob's focus on Matthew is broken and he pushes Caleb.

No, no, no. God please don't let Jacob and Caleb fight.

I think I'm going to be sick.

I turn away from the scene and begin to throw up violently. In an instant, Stefanie is behind me, holding my hair out of my face and rubbing my back. And then she's gone, and Caleb's by my side instead. When I've emptied all I can from my stomach, which is only a breakfast bar, I wipe my mouth on my hand and turn to see Stefanie shoving Jacob, trying to calm him down.

Caleb and I remain silent as we watch our friends' exchange. In a matter of a few minutes, Stefanie has calmed Jacob down completely.

"Kasey," Jake whispers when he finally reaches me, kneeling down on his hands and knees beside me. He pulls me into his chest and squeezes me in a tight embrace. "I'm..." He begins but trails off. "I can't... I'm so sorry you had to see that," He chokes.

And then suddenly that familiar feeling begins to creep up on me. My body begins to tingle as my hands start to go numb, and before I know it the darkness is consuming me completely.

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