Chapter 70- Taking a Stroll

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Kami looked around as he walked through the streets of the Draconian Empire. It was a similar feel to that of the capital city back in the human kingdom.

People going about their own days, shops and other small businesses displaying their goods to any whose eyes caught their attention. Others walking around talking among themselves and discussing.

It was all eerily the same except for the location. The people as well, if that's what they chose to be called, were different.

Kami had learned about the few small characteristics that separated what was a normal human and a Dragon-kin. He found himself looking more closely as they pass by him trying to take note of their scales around their bodies and their distinct pupils to his own. He was almost a little too excited knowing that he now stood in an entirely different land.

He wasn't the only one that was taking notice of the details that separated him from everyone else. As he walked around the streets trying to get a feel for the place, there were many whose eyes wandered in his direction.

They noticed his different clothing and began to analyze him closer only to realize that he wasn't one of their own. The main give away was his eyes, which were the easiest thing to distinguish. Soon there were more than just a few who glanced over at him and spoke in whispers about this new comer.

Guess humans don't come around here often. It seems like these kingdoms are mostly just one race only deal. That's a shame, I hope there's one or two of them out there with a variety of races co existing.

When he had arrived through teleportation magic, they had let him know that their Hero, whose name they wanted to keep omitted for some unknown reason, would be running a day late.

The initial plan was to bring him over and have a feast to welcome Kami, the now known Hero of Tyr and guest of the Draconian Empire, and afterwards have him spent the night in one of their more lucrative rooms. Then, bright and early in the morning, they would make their way to their Colosseum that is usually open 24/7 and announce the friendly competition to many of the viewers as a surprise kind of deal. Apparently, they had planned to make this something that many could see but not many knew about.

However, for some unknown reason, their Hero had been tangled up in some other business and he would be running late, therefore giving Kami sometime to look around the city and find something interesting to do.

They insisted to go through with the feast and had wanted to properly treat him as though it was royalty but Kami was not having any of it. He wanted to be treated like a Hero but to him it seemed like they were starting to treat him more like royalty, which was something he much rather avoid consider that was his condition of living for an endless era.

Kami had denied all that and decided instead to roam around along with Himari and find any new goods that he would be able to purchase. Although he was running somewhat low on gold compared to what he had, Kami was sure it was more than enough to buy some new gear and scrolls if he stumbled across anything good.

I wonder if I should buy new gear though. I did say that Gorgraen would be where I directly get all my new gear from. Hmmm, I suppose this doesn't apply to skill scrolls and such.

He noticed after a while of pondering that Himari was staring curiously at him.

"Something wrong?"

She shook her head and turned a bit red before turning her attention elsewhere.

Kami decided not to look too much into it and went back into his own personal thoughts.

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