Chapter 59- More Plotting

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Ausra found herself stumbling across the familiar walls of the Abyss. Every second she lived she could feel the pain that Kami had caused her scratching in her core without end.

She grabbed onto her chest and tumbled onto the ground. This was possibly the lowest point in all her existence throughout the countless centuries she had lived.

"...I never thought I would be so... humiliated..."

She thought back at how Kami had made her beg for mercy. It was almost unbearable to think and would have left her in a frustrated state if it was not for this pain.

Ausra realized that ever since she had her soul fractured her other emotions were slightly off. When she would feel like she needed to be angry at the situation her mind and body wouldn't react accordingly. It was like she was choking, drowning in a vast dark sea trying to scream out what she should feel but there was no response.

She struggled to lift herself back on her feet and continued on her way.

Another thing that had caught her attention from this experience though was Kami's use of the word soul. From what she was able to tell that was not a recognizable word in this Universe. Even the Gods would find the idea of a soul strange, at best, they were capable of drawing forth a person's essence. She found it funny that even the Gods in this Universe were incapable of harnessing the power of a soul. However, Kami was easily able to do such a thing which intrigued her.

She let out a forceful laugh she could barely feel.

"J-just exactly what are you..."

This would mean that Kami, like her, comes from a different place than this one. She should have known better. The only ones capable of changing things around this Universe were people coming from the outside. What she didn't expect was to be out classed so easily.

There was a ringing in her head as though there was a force calling her forth. She closed her eyes and heard the familiar voice of Hexalus.

"H-hey what's going on? I just got word that not only did the Dungeon close down but Alzel was liberated almost in a bat of an eye. It was all that Hero Kami's doing."

Ausra took in a few deep breaths before her voice settled.

"Things didn't go as planned. This Kami person is far stronger than he appears."

"W-what does that mean? D-did YOU lose to him?"

She remained silent for a while trying to think of a way out from her situation.

At worst Yotsune would learn that she had lost to a Hero and would try to punish her. It would be child's play compared to what Kami had done to her but she would rather avoid the hassle.

"There was an emergency that came up. I couldn't stick around to finish him..."

Hexalus let out a loud grunt as she was able to hear him whispering out curses in a low voice. He finally stopped before he spoke to her once again.

"He will have my head for this do you know what you've done to me?!"

Ausra leaned against the wall as she slid down once more onto the ground. Moving was a difficult task for her and hearing Hexalus complaining was just eerily annoying making the task even more tedious than it had to be.

She had done as much possible to alleviate the pain she was feeling now but she had barely managed to put a small bandage over the large wound. This was perhaps the first time as well where her powers had failed her in completely healing of such a thing. This was even more proof of Kami's terrifying power considering her own should have easily fixed what he had done.

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