Chapter 40- Visiting an Old Relative

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Kami yawned as he opened his eyes. He felt like he's had a good rest for the first time in centuries. He sat up and looked around only to find himself surrounded by multiple streams of souls. They were floating around him like a calm wave of water as he gently grabbed onto one. It glowed in his hand and immediately disappeared. He smiled knowing exactly where he was.

"I would appreciate if you don't mess with my stuff please" said a deep voice from the shadows.

Kami stood up and stretched before responding.

"Ah technically these are all mine until I say otherwise, but feel free to think they are yours,I'm not stopping you."

From the shadows emerged a figure whose appearance was awfully similar to Kami's. The only difference was the contrast in colors of clothing they had and the deep dark eyes that looked back at him.

"Must you always use my image? I understand we are twins but we can look completely different. It wouldn't kill you to get yourself an original look." Kami mocked as he grinned at the new presence in front of him.

The figure continued to stare at Kami with an expressionless face as Kami spread his arms as if asking for a hug.

"Come on, would it kill you to be a little lovable when we meet?"

"When is the last time we saw each other? Excuse me for not jumping with excitement. It is good to see you though." replied the voice.

Kami nodded his head looking around the spectacle of souls flowing around them.

"So, are we going to fight again to see if I stay dead? If I recall, I have beaten you every time we meet since I created mortals, twice to be exact!"

The figure shook his head and spoke loudly.

"You're still a child I see. No, you're not exactly dead anyway, it would be pointless to try. However, I did want to see what my twin brother was up to that would put him so close to meeting me again."

"Ah you know, messing around in one of the Universes I created."

"I must thank you for that by the way, the more mortals you create the closer I get to one day taking the lead, it must scare you a bit knowing one of these days I'll over power you."

"Ha! Shi come on the whole spooky act doesn't work on me. You sure you don't want to fight around a bit, it's not often we get to see each other. We're the furthest thing apart." insisted Kami as he raised his fists in a jokingly manner.

"You didn't answer my question though. How did you come so close to me once more?"

"Ah well it's a long story really but I'm having some fun essentially playing a game world out." smiled Kami in a happy tone.

"Oh, a game? By the way it's rude that you never returned my copy of Dragon's Hunt 6. It was a Collector's Edition with over 50 exclusive hours of game commentary. I am going to be needing that back."

Kami looked around avoiding his sight as he coughed.

"Y-yeah about that I lost it so you know, why don't you just...make yourself another one-"

"You know why! That was an original print and I am not about to bend the rules of space and time just to cheat my way into another copy! I stayed up 3 days in that line trying to get that and I don't need to explain myself to you just give it back!" Shi said in a childish tone.

Kami snickered at Shi's sudden change in personality. He was always easy to provoke and when he did he would always act "childish" about it. Kami found it funny considering Shi consistently mocked him for being a child about everything.

Back then, before Kami had created mortals. Shi and Kami would spend loads of time messing around, playing with his creations and having a great time in general. It all really changed when Kami created the angels. They were not mortal in essence but they had the capacity to die. Shi's role had been decided then and he became the one who loomed over Death itself. He became Death in essence and from that point Kami and Shi were never close again.

It was strange really, he didn't think there was anything stopping them from seeing each other it just naturally felt like they should stay away from each other at all times. It was probably because of their work to be honest. Kami spent all his time creating and helping maintain Creation and Shi spent all his time undoing that.

Kami didn't hold strife in his being because of that, Shi was his brother and had been 1 of the 3 beings whose existence had always been. Whatever he decided to do he fully supported it, even if it was that one day he planned on killing Kami himself.

Even so Kami had always been the strongest as his power was unreachable so he had little do worry about that. However, if he was ever to die the flow of time would be incredibly different here to all of Creation, by the time he got back it might have all collapsed. Sure, he could bend time or something but it was all such a hassle that he rather much just not die to begin with.

"You are giving me back my game, right?" persisted Shi as he looked angrily at Kami.

Kami laughed and shrugged as he snapped his fingers. Suddenly the souls around them began glowing as they all began banishing. An infinite amount of souls disappeared almost instantly in front of them leaving Shi and Kami standing in total darkness.

"Fine, but I am taking back what's mine as well." Kami said as he raised his hand revealing a copy of the game he asked for.

"Hmph, fine, take them. I'll make them back faster than you can think anyway." Shi said grabbing the game from Kami's grip.

"By the way Kami, is this world that you're traveling to that exciting to you?"

Kami frowned his eyebrows and thought about it for a second. He wasn't sure how to reply to that. For the first time in a while he felt fulfilled with what he was doing. It might sound silly to imagine that just partaking in a game world was enough to do something like this but for an endless amount of time he had been doing what others expected of him and now he was doing what he wanted to do.

Kami smiled at Shi after a few seconds of thinking and patted his shoulder.

"It really is, kinda brings me back to the good old days where we played together. I've met some interesting creations of mine and we're fighting it out together."

Suddenly Kami's essence began disappearing as he looked at himself for a second before grinning at Shi.

"Well looks like my time here is done. Don't bother trying to drag me back here again if you're just going to be a bummer. Take care and if you see sis tel-"

Kami's presence dissipated instantly from Shi's sight.

Shi stood there motionless for a while holding the game as he looked down at it. He felt a bit sad about seeing Kami leave as it would probably be a while before he could see him again. This was his job now, and it was something that had become repetitive and quite tiresome. Shi sighed as he walked across the empty vacuum of space as the streams of souls began reappearing.He stopped in his tracks as his face lit up as he looked down at the game and grinned.

This whole thing was silly and stupid, why could he not leave to do what HE wanted? How was it that he is slaving away doing his job as one of the most powerful beings in all creation? The thought of that was insane now that he thought about it. Kami had it figured out and the more he thought about it the more committed he became.

"Now now then... who should I leave in charge while I'm away."

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