Chapter 11- Taking on the Guardian I

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They had reached an open field with nothing in sight but trees everywhere. The rest of the group turned to look at Kami an Himari as they emerged from a few trees as if expecting to hear a solution from him. Kami stood and stared back with a confused face.

"What now genius?" spoke Keishi.

"Tsk even if there is something here how are we supposed to detect it? Wouldn't happen to be hiding another skill that would do something here wouldya?!" barked Himorichi.

"I'm sure I can do something about it but whatever it is that's there will probably attack as soon as I reveal them so stay alert" Kami said.

The group readied their weapons as they aimed them towards the empty field infront of them.

Kami lifted his fingers and snapped them. Almost immediately like curtain falling a twenty-foot looking creature revealed itself.

It was big and almost thin looking. It had long legs and arms that stretched to the floor almost as if dragging them. It had giant gear-looking cuffs on its wrists, shoulders, and ankles. Its head was small and almost metallic. It gave the vibe like it was an old machine like an iron giant just incredibly rusty. However, if you inspected it closely you could see rotten flesh and even some bone structure in its face and parts of its body. It raised its arm which had a giant blade attached to it almost like a scythe.

Its eyes glowed red as soon as it felt it had been detected and was now preparing to engage on them.

The rest of the group stared in fear before Kami decided to take a good look at what this creature was.

[Status Bar]

Name: Undead Gearfried Giant (Legendary)

LVL: 27

EXP: 8679/14000

Title: Undead Zombie

Class: Monster

HP: 789/789

Stamina: 766/766

Mana: 613/613

Strength: 780

Endurance: 745

Intelligence: 313

Dexterity: 149

Charisma: 149

Wisdom: 147

Those stats are definitely bigger than the Chimera we took on. It also says Legendary, typically that would make it a rare boss or monster, right? So, is that why it has higher stats than the Chimera? What about them? Can they handle this guy?

[Status Bar]

Name: Asahi Taniguchi

LVL: 20

EXP: 3421/14000

Title: Shield Barrer Knight

Class: Paladin

HP: 353/353

Stamina: 350/350

Mana: 289/289

Strength: 240

Endurance: 313

Intelligence: 215

Dexterity: 250

Charisma: 245

Wisdom: 280

[Status Bar]

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