Extra Chapter 3- Gorgraen's Goods

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A/N: Hey guys, last reminder, you won't have to hear from me pestering you over and over again for this. Volume II is out so take a good look if you still haven't. Stay awesome readers and enjoy!

"Damn that boy!" Gorgraen tossed a rolled-up sketch onto the small workstation table.

Gorgraen rubbed his beard furiously before waddling away towards the main part of the store. He was feeling frustrated with a certain 'Hero' who kept popping into his mind.

"That lad refuses any gear upgrade for himself I have to offer! It's nice to get the extra business from his acquaintances but the face of the nation refuses to wear my goods!"

He didn't know who he was talking to. His shop was closed and no one was around to hear him complain. Still just the thought that Kami kept escaping his grasp every time he was about to offer him some gear upgrade was getting him worked up.

"I had a nice set of armor ready for him to try out... what am I going to do with it now?!"

Once more, nothing but silence. He sat on the high chair next to the counter pondering his next steps. In all honesty, ever since Kami and the rest begun coming in for gear and weapon related business, other had taken notice.

His shop definetly had more people coming in now but at the same time it was not just about the numbers. He wanted his best quality work to be worn by the best as well. This didn't mean he turned down others who paid him to craft certain gear or bought the sets he already crafted, what it mean was that he wasted the best materials in hopes that Kami would wear it, only to find out he had no interested in wearing anything besides that normal clothing which gave him no effect.

"Must be a memento or something, still that's no way for a warrior to act!"

Gorgraen was well aware that Kami was also a God. When he learned this, he almost had a heart attack. This was only because his dream could go beyond what he expected. Not only would the best Heroes wear his armor, but the Gods themselves. He lost himself in this delusion waiting for him to show up and ask but not once since they met did, he even show signs of wanting to buy anything.

There was a sudden clunk of metal like something had fallen over from the other room where he had been.

This snapped Gorgraen out of his daydream as he jumped down on his feet and took out a small forge hammer strapped to his waist.

"Who's there!" he beckoned.

Only silence.

"Come on out you bastard. I'm in no mood to be messed with!" he beckoned again.

Still, no response from the other room.

Gorgraen figured it was now or never. He furiously waddled towards the other room, his hammer held up high above his head only to stop on his tracks.

What he was was a pair of blinking yellow air starring back at him from the other side of the room. Had he not recognized the face he would have thought it them to belong to a straight cat.

"Thief, how did you get in?!"

She stumbled across the room towards Gorgraen and grinned.

"Your windows was locked so I let myself in,ku ku!"

"Argh what do you mean ladette?!"

Thief snickered as she locked around and patted Gorgraens back.

"Don't be like that old man I just wanted to buy some stuff but your door was busted and I couldn't get in!"

"That's because we're closed! Now get out!" Gorgraen barked.

"Ooh! What's this, ku!"

She completely ignored his demands as she made her way towards a racket that dangled a few of his most recent works.

"Don't touch those, they're expensive! Remember what you did last time!?"

Thief stopped in her tracks and blinked innocently.

"Which one?"

Thief always seemed like a child in a candy store whenever she was at Gorgraen's shop. She would go around his workshop touching everything, taking things from their place and putting them elsewhere, or sometimes flat out walking out with stuff. He didn't mind as much since he kept track of everything, which meant if something went missing he would charge her next time she came along, and she always did. It was probably her impulse for gold that made her all touchy about the stuff that looked shiny around the shop. This was strangely though, the first time she had sneaked into his workshop after he closed so part of him was curious as to why she was here. Then again, a larger part of him wanted her out.

"Alright girly, why are you here?"

"M-me? Can't I visit you old man,ku ku?" she replied as she removed a sword from a table close by.

"If you wanted to visit, you could have knocked on me door. Out with it."

Thief mocked Gorgraen under her breath but willingly put the sword back in its place and let out a sigh.

"I-I've been...kinda scared of being around Kami recently and I think I might be hurting his feelings...ku..."

"Wha? What's that have to do with me?!"

"I- I wanted to sneak in a-and maybe find something that I can give as an apology." she said her voice faltering near the end of her sentence.

The thought was a nice one at least. It was obvious that she felt sorry by her behavior but couldn't help reacting that way around him. It had become slightly more manageable but it was still far from okay. This was the only thing she could think of that could make it up to him.

"Ha! You have a better chance at finding something in the back of an alley with the rest of the trash!" Gorgraen retorted as he waddled away.

Thief was somewhat taken aback from his response so decided to follow him and ask what was wrong.

"What's got YOU all worked up old man,ku ku!"

"That boy doesn't want any of my gear that's what! I've shown him my best stuff hoping he'll ask me for it yet he just nods his head, smiles a little, and moves on! It's driving me nuts!"

"Ku, now that you mention it, he doesn't change gear at all like we do. Maybe you're right about finding something better elsewhere."

"Is my craft not up to par for his taste, what is it?!"

His previous enraged state returned. The fact that Thief had broken into his shop was completely overshadowed by his anger towards Kami.

Thief couldn't leave him in such a state of despair so she did the only thing she knew that would make such an upsetting situation a happy one.

"Ku ku! How about this old man! We can drink all night and come up with something that Kami will like! What do you say!?"

"You mean work together with some ideas, I dunno girly that doesn't sound like it'll work...but I can't say no to a drink,hwahahaha!"

Both of them cheered on as the mood changed for the better. In their adrenaline filled condition they failed to hear the knocking from the front door.

Kami stood on the other side, dumbfounded at the conversation that was loud enough for him to hear.

"S-should I just come back later?"

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