Chapter 73- Apprentice vs Apprentice I

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Himari and the boy stood in front of each other a couple of feet away staring each other down.

The boy seemed a confident as he grinned at her and crossed his arms.

"Don't worry I'll try holding back a little. Master doesn't believe in going all out on someone weaker than him, and neither do I."

Himari's expression remained the same as she analyzed him. She lifted her staff to her side as a sign that she was ready to fight whenever he was.

"Name's Doryu, not that you bother asking anyhow. You are?"

The boy remained relaxed as Himari opened her mouth only to remain silent for a while before speaking up.


Doryu nodded his head a few times before finally raising his guard. He took a fighting stance as he lifted his arms in front of himself as though they were fangs and lowered his posture.

Himari figured the same thing Kami had thought and believed the boy in front of her was a melee fighter. This was an advantageous fight on her side as long as she could maintain some distance. She would have to keep the edge over him considering she couldn't tell how strong he was.


An aura surrounded her as she began floating in place.

With this in play, she would be able to freely keep her distance away from him.

The boy simply grinned as he stared at her in response.

"You look almost threating in that position. I think you're probably more looks than skill though but we'll see."

Himari was trying to keep her cool but the mocking nature of the boy was starting to knag her. She lifted her staff and aimed it at Doryu.


A wave of flames shot out from the tip of the staff as it swiftly made its way towards Doryu.

His reaction seemed almost delayed but once the fire was close enough, he moved himself to the side barely avoiding the straight shot of flames. In a close second after that he ran towards Himari at full speed.

He was moving faster than Himari imagined. She raised herself higher into the air and moved away from him as she waved her staff once more.

A wall of earth emerged from the ground blocking Doryu's path but he simply snorted.He clutched his fist and punched the wall that had raised itself from the ground instantly shattering it as he continued his pursuit.

Himari raised her staff into the air and yelled out.


A bolt of energy came crashing down from the sky immediately striking Doryu where he stood.

He was a bit surprised at the attack but otherwise seemed unaffected as he stumbled back for a bit. Doryu shook his head a few trying to get his head in place as he grinned back at Himari once again.

"That was a bit stronger than I expected it to be. I felt the sting of that. Honestly, I just let that hit me so I could tell how it would feel."

Doryu lowered his arms as if casually having a conversation with her.

"I can tell that you've never been in a fight with one of our kind though. If you had, there's no way you would be using magic, unless, that's all the skills you really know how to do."

Himari stared down at him in confusion but decided to use this as a chance to strike. She aimed her staff once more at Doryu.


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