Chapter 43-Idle Thoughts of God

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"Ah so simple why was I not doing this when I got in here"

Kami walked around the area as he looked around while using his [Scan] skill. He had completely forgotten all about it and was now using it to see if he could locate everyone. From what he could tell there where three groups of people.

The first one was quite small, maybe about 3 people in it and was fast approaching the second group which was quite significantly larger. It seemed like this was where most people had gathered up. It was at least 40 people in there and they were all moving about. This was probably the prince and his guards and potentially any other adventurer that had survived long enough to find their way to them. The third group was about the same size as the first one, 3 people and it was also approaching the second group.

"Suppose the first and third group are potentially the ones with people I know considering we are the latest ones to arrive. The closest one to me is the third group but I suppose if I head towards the second one I'll just run into both of them once they get"

He continued to scan around the area only to notice other creatures around the area. There was a couple more Dungeon Bosses from what he could tell in areas he had yet to explore and at the very end of it all a significantly stronger enemy.

"Would this be what they call the Dungeons Final Boss? I would really like that solo EXP maybe I should head there instead. No wait, maybe I should clear the other Dungeon Bosses first THEN head towards the Final Boss, ah I can see the EXP already."

He was well aware of how much EXP these bosses gave him and he was more than excited to finish them off before anyone else could. He could see his level rising higher. Kami wanted to do this for a specific reason.

He had seen the power that the enemy holds and how far ahead they were in terms of level and if it was not for the fact that he was capable of infinite power and immortality he would have lost back then.

At first, he had been thrilled at the idea of meeting someone in this world he could fight it out with in equal terms but seeing how he was easily overwhelmed with his lowered stats had not sit right with him. He had purposely allowed that girl to leave so he could beat her fair and square in the future.

Now that he thought about her, he realized something. Her Class had been Grand Hero despite her title being Goddess of Flames. If he remembered back to the adventure guild when he had received Rank 0; the Guild Master had told him about the 3 Grand Heroes of Past and how they were supposed to be incredibly powerful. Her name was Ausra Inoue just like the one Grand Hero that had died fighting the God of Calamity.

"Could she have been that Hero from long ago? She died fighting that one God, no?"

It was a bit strange as he did not know the details completely but he decided to leave it for later, as he would probably learn more about what was happening anyway as he continued on his journey.

"Ah, maybe fracturing her soul was a bit harsh. It's not her fault she thinks they're the top dogs in their Universe, maybe I was a bit inconsiderate."

Fracturing someone's soul was probably a pretty harsh punishment in Kami's book. Not only are they consistently in never ending pain that will never cease no matter what they do, but the very essence of who they are changes. It wasn't his usual type of punishment; he was more of a "smite you down and let your soul go where it needs to go" kind of God. Messing with a soul was a bit of a gray area for him considering it was easy to break someone's free will, so messing with a soul was essentially him backpedaling on the whole free will thing. Had he messed with her soul in a different way, he could easily mold her into whatever person he wished her to be.

"I bet Lucy would be having a kick if he knew I had actually messed with someone's soul."

Kami shrugged as he continued his path. Either way he had made up his mind and decided the best choice was to head on over to the extra Dungeon Bosses that are left and reap all that EXP.

"I wonder if Sayu is starting to have any fun messing around in this world like I am. No, she's definitely looking for me I'm sure."

Having Sayu around was actually interesting. At first, he thought it would just be a bit of a hassle but decided to keep her here as a bit of an example to any other angel who tries to make their way into this Universe. The more he thought about it though, having her come with him was like playing with a friend. It was more fun this way and he hoped to see if she had leveled up. Maybe if she really got into it this could become a friendly competition over getting stronger or something.

Kami smiled as he lost himself in his own head. The area was awfully empty and he believed this was because the Dungeon was running out of Dungeon Bosses. He noticed that every time a Dungeon Boss was cleared the number of monsters that spawned became less. This was probably due to the area being cleared and would return to normal once they defeated the Final Boss in this area.

"Hopefully everyones alright I suppose. I mean mainly Himari, Hiromichi, and Sayu honestly I'm sure Asahi's group can handle themselves, they probably have done stuff like this before."

Funny enough he didn't really consider Asahi and the others as part of his own group. They were more like acquaintances that were side by side to his own. Sure, he would rescue them if it came down to it but his priority was rescuing Himari, Hiromichi, and Sayu, the last one really only if she couldn't handle herself. In fact, he was certain that when they got to the City of Alzel they would have gone about their own way but luck had it that they stuck around. Maybe he should see them more than just side characters at this point considering they had been there for a large part of his adventure so far.

"Talking about Luck, haha, Thief, ah well, having her around might not be bad. It's like having that one special companion with a rare ability, stat in this case."

He actually did not mind having Thief around either. Sure, she had her own problems but she was actually somewhat entertaining to have around. Maybe he would also consider her as a companion if things continued the way they are as of now. What he really wanted to try out was her Arm weapons.

When he had learned of them from talking to her, his heart had skipped a beat. If there was one thing Kami enjoyed over anything in an RPG was grinding out for gear. This was the pinnacle of what he enjoyed doing in the game. Having his characters run around with special gear, or legendary gear after trans versing certain requirements or finding it in that one hidden location after taking out an incredibly power boss was just an amazing feeling to him.

Therefore, he decided he would find more of these Arms as well and equip them to his companions like a game. Just the thought of this made him grin with happiness.

He was slowly approaching one of the Dungeon Bosses near him as he shook his head gathering all his thoughts. This was a pleasant experience overall but he decided the Dungeon arc of his adventure should come to an end soon.

He stepped forward into the cave in front of him as a shadowy figure emerged. Kami grinned at it as he lifted his fingers.

"Well then, think it's about time we finish this whole Dungeon business!"

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