Chapter 80- Waiting and Drinking

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"Why is he doing this to me."

Sayu took a large drink from her glass as her face hit the table in which Hiromichi and Thief sat.

"Doesn't he need me I not important to him...hic"

Her face was flushed red as she continued to mumble sadly on about Kami.

Hiromichi who had been making fun of her prior to this was now actually beginning to feel sorry for her.

"S-shit man, I didn't think you would be so dam bummed out over him leaving for a bit. Get your act together man."

"We've never been apart for so long, hic, he rather take a small mortal child than me..." Sayu continued her mopping oblivious to Hiromichi's words.

"Dam this woman, it's no fun hanging or messing with her if she was going to be this way."

Hiromichi furiously took a drink from his own glass as Thief poked at Sayu hoping to at least get an angry reaction.

"You two must go way back if you're getting this upset over being away from him. C-could it be you two are lovers, ku ku!"

Sayu raised her head as she struggled to keep herself up and answered half-heartedly.

"We do go way back! I was the one who was with him when he decided to make Heaven. I was the one who was with him in the great Celestial War to keep his stupid *hic* sister away from Creation. S-sure I was just in the way b-but I was there, hic. Ask the other angels if they know anything about that I promise you they won't! They're *hic* all creations that were made after me! They have no idea what it's been like serving him for millions of years without asking anything in return. I love my job and it only makes me sad he doesn't love me in return..."

With that her face landed with a heavy thud once more on the table as she moaned out loud.

Hiromichi and Thief stared at each other in confusion completely oblivious about everything she had said but at the same time felt a sense of pity for her.

"Think you've had one too many Sayu, this is hard for me to say as an alcoholic but you should stop."

"I- I am an Archangel of the Lord! A few drinks m-mean nothing to me..."

Hiromichi couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

Thief glanced over at him and gave him a sharp stare as though upset with him.

"W-what? It went from being funny, to being sad, back to funny. I don't even understand half the crap she's spitting out anyway she must be too drunk." replied Hiromichi feeling content.

Thief shook her head and patted Sayu's back gently.

"How about we go have a nice bath and rest up for the night. It's been two days don't think he'll show up tonight."

"J-just let me enjoy the comfort of this cold table a bit longer..." replied Sayu as her voice drifted.

Thief simply shrugged and let out a long sigh.

"You guys are a bummer when he's not around you know that. All you talk about is Kami this, Kami that. If you're not going to sleep, we should at least party!" exclaimed a now excited Thief.

Hiromichi on the other hand looked lost in thought as he took a drink and answered.

"Did she mention a sister? You think she's hot like Sayu or a completely dumbass like him?"

Thief gave Hiromichi a blank expression before picking up her own drink and angrily mumbling.

"You guys suck, ku!"

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