New Year's Resolution

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Hiromichi: Can't believe another year went by like that. Time goes to damn fast now a days!

Thief: I would say,ku ku! Considering Kami brought you in as a criminal you probably had a crazy one.

Hiromichi: Tch,that's in the past now anyway! I ain't no low brow criminal now, I've gone straight edge from now on, in fact, that's my New Year's resolution!

Thief: New Year's resolution? What's that?

Hiromichi: Sayu says it's some commitment to change a bad behavior or something, that's mine! No longer will I be treated as a criminal! *smacks table*

Thief: H-hey careful with the drinks y-you savage,ku!

Hiromichi: What about you, anything you wanna commit to stopping or changing *Stares at alcohol*

Thief: I can't think of anything of the tip of my tongue...

Hiromichi: Seriously? Like... maybe lower the daily alcohol consumption from a set of 10 people to 5 or so... shit man.

Thief: It's not a bad behavior if it's so fun,ku ku!

Hiromichi: What about you Sayu? You didn't really tell me anything about your New Years resolution

Sayu: Hmph, I have no such need for a childish thing. The All-Mighty Creator made me as he intended. I have no desire to go against his wishes. *proudly sticks her chest out*

Hiromichi: Tch, I can think of one thing you should change, that damn egoistic personality of yours!

Sayu: Wouldn't expect for an animal of your intellect to understand the grandeur that is his plan.

Kami: That's fine Sayu you should have something to strive for, anything at all *stares intently at her hoping to find a semblance of progress in her personality*

Sayu: W-well if I had to come up with something, I would be a more reliable Archangel in the eyes of the Omnipotent! * sticks chest out proudly once more*

Hiromichi: What a stuck up-*clears throat* What about you Himari, actually I'm surprised we didn't really talk about this but you're older looking now huh? Kami finally broke the curse, about damn time!

Himari: *nods head* I want to get stronger so I can be more reliable for Mister Kami!

Kami: *stares dumbfounded* (they both have the same resolution just worded differently, ahhh)

Hiromichi: This asshole can take care of himself you don't need to waste your time trying to get stronger for him. You! What about you then hotshot!

Kami: Me? I don't know I've never really thought about it, years tend to go by minutes at times for me...I guess if I had one, it would be to be closer to my family and friends and think more about them before I make a decision.

Thief: T-t-that's q-q-quite noble of y-y-you g-g-reat deity from the s-s-skies! *shaken up after learning of Kami's presence here*

Kami: *nods head* Right. My twin brother has always tried reaching out to me for the longest time but I've always been busy and my younger sister...well I can't really say much, it's nearly impossible for us to be in the same space without her causing problems.

Hiromichi: That's harsh man. Shit, best of luck with that.

Sebastien: Oho, monsieur has family problems. Perhaps I should intervene to lighten ze mood,no?

Hiromichi: Alright lover boy what you got then?!

Sebastien: To sleep with all these beautiful ladies that surround me!

Hiromichi: What the hell man?! That's not a good resolution!

Thief: Ew...with you, who,ku ku! *forgets Kami's Godly presence*

Sayu: Disgusting filthy monkeys...

Kami: Go get them tiger. *raises drink into the air* You Hero of Tyr?

Alruin: I... * stares at Sayu* would say that I wish to sway the heart of certain person in my favor... but it would be selfish of me to say that. I believe I wish to be a better Hero for those who need my assistance.

Hiromichi: Tch, what the hell is the point of saying that whole selfish shit if you're still going to say it anyway...

Kami: That's really cool. I hope to more along those lines the more I grow into a Hero myself. *Admires Alruin's commitment as a Hero*

Alruin: You flatter me with your praise, God Kami. *kneels in front of Kami*

Kami: Please stand up Hero I'm actually a bit embarrassed at having you kneel like that, haha. *truly is*

Hiromichi: W-w-here's that stupid penguin anyway?! Shit wanted to ask him what he wanted as a resolution.

Kami: Oh, you haven't heard, he was taking a break from writing the story. He should be back soon though.

Hiromichi: What story?

Kami: Not important, anyway he asked me to read this for him so *pulls out note* My New Year resolution is to improve my writing and make more time to read up on books made by other authors. Seems like a fairly simple one.

Hiromichi: H-how the hell did he know we were going to talk about Resolutions for New Years?

Kami: *snaps fingers*

Hiromichi: *Face falls flat onto the table* ZZZ...

Thief: *panics*W-w-w-ell done your h-h-h-holiness majesti...tudei..ty....ku...

Himari: Do you think we'll be around for a while Mister Kami.

Kami: Hmm... I think so, I doubt the author has run out of ideas. We should enjoy the moments that we can together for now though. Now how does he usually end these?

(Himari and Sayu stare in confusion)

Himari: I was talking about...staying in the city for a while.

Kami: Alright thank you all for reading the book, catch you on the sequel *salutes*

A/N: I know its a bit late for this kind of chapter but wanted to post it out. I know I said I'll be taking a small break from writing and I am but I hardly constitute this as working on the book. Anyway enjoy and YES I have decided thanks to some of your comments and suggestions from other sources to write a Volume 2 instead( which is a continuation of this story with the same characters, I actually have to point that out cause some of you think it'll be something completely different). I thank you for your opinions and hope to continue receiving your support when I release the second part  of this series. Till then!

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