Extra Chapter 2- Apprentice Exchange Program I

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A/N: In case you didn't know at this point Volume II for God's an Adventurer is out! Don't forget to look in the profile if you haven't already. I should point out again, these extra chapters are basically just side events that happened after the end but not after Volume II events. Anyway, keep being awesome and enjoy!

Doryu and Kami stood outside the walls of Alzel in the middle of the bright fresh day. The air was particularly strong today making it particularly enjoyable for Kami.


The young Draconian stood patiently waiting for Kami's instructions. There had been some exchange of friendly words with their corresponding leaders in which they had suggested that it would be a good showmanship between nations if their Heroes were to temporarily exchange Apprentice as signs of good faith. The Apprentice Exchange Program, they called it.

Doryu thought it was a stupid idea so was caught by surprised when he learned that Drairgun and Kami had agreed to going through with it.

Here he was now, standing outside of the Ducuria Kingdom's capital city with Kami, the nation's own personal Hero/God.

"This is pretty fun right? Now you and Himari can learn from a different perspective of a Heroes mind set." Kami commented happily.

His expression was of someone who had just received a new gift. At least one of the two was enjoying this.

Doryu let out a sigh and replied.

"No offence Hero Kami, but I don't particularly think you have anything to show me. The only thing I think you have is overpowered strength that you lend to Himari giving her the edge. She barely seems to have any training I don't expect much from this experience."

He swore Kami's face looked hurt for a second before he let out a small chuckle.

"I can see how you would think that. Ahhh, but don't worry kid, I have plenty to show you. In fact, I could probably even help you beat Himari on one-on-one scenario."

Doryu's interested peaked but kept it from showing. This was definitely something he would like to learn considering Himari was something of a wall he wished to climb.

"Alright old man, I'm game."

"You're a bit of a brat are you not...hmm alright, let's get this started, a bit of a spar so I can measure you down a bit more."

"You want to fight me, hmph. That's a bit unfair don't you think?"

"Not me."

Kami snapped his fingers and suddenly a large man stood next to him.

He looked confused and dazed as he looked around before noticing Kami and Doryu.

"W-what the hell am I doing here?"

"Ahh Hiromichi nice of you to drop by! This is Doryu an Apprentice from the Draconian Kingdom. He'll temporarily be joining us while Himari is away training under another Hero."

"W-hat the- nice to me- wait did you say Himari is away?!"

Hiromichi looked in a panic at Kami expecting a better explanation. His eyes pierced into Kami's before he shrugged and spoke.

"It was some exchange thing to show good relationship between our nations just role with it."

"You just let a small girl like her go with some stranger?! The hell is wrong with you dumbass?! W-what about a change of clothes d-did she pack? A-and cash does she have gold to spend on her trip away?! D-damn I should have given her some for her-"

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