Chapter 82- Make Creation Great Again

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The  girl who had claimed Heaven clapped her hands at her own hard work. She  floated in the middle of space as she managed to hold off the two  planets inhabited by some of her brother's Creations from collapsing  against each other.

"S-small but its progress..." spoke an angelic figure in the back who observed the situation.

She clapped her hands in excitement and bowed towards the angel.

"Yes, if I ke-"

Before  she finished there was a loud rumbling as the two planets that she had  just managed to save began to shake. It wasn't long after that the planets in front of them began to disintegrate as she stared at her handy work with a blank expression.

An army of angels followed suit and flew past her in an attempt to save the lives of the mortals in front of her.

It was complete chaos as the angels rushed and grabbed every last soul they could before her power managed to reach them.

In only a manner of seconds the two planets that had been floating in space were now gone.

She remained stoic, staring at the now empty vacuum of space in its place as the angel who she had been speaking to slowly made his way to her.

"M-mam, I think-"

The angel barely managed another word in before his presence completely banished. 

A few of the other angels around her who had been witness to this were struck with fear as they retreated.

She sighed and pouted before speaking up.

"How  does he move stuff around without destroying it. I just don't have any  Creation in me, we're totally opposites." she said as she looked at her  hands.

Ever since the beginning they had been the true ends of each other. While Kami had the power of Creation in him,  she was Nothing. She was everything he was not but even so she admired  his strength and one day wished to follow in on his footsteps. However  somewhere down the road things had turned a bit messy.

Ever since she came to control Heaven, she had tried to keep Creation in check, true  to her word. It wasn't hard moving entire Universes around. The problem  was when she inserted her power to do so. At first it would all go her  way almost to the exact same level as if Kami himself was doing it. The  angels had even been surprised and some of them had felt relieved that  there was finally someone who could look after Creation while Kami was  gone. However, they soon realized that everything she tried to fix ended  up disappearing into Nothingness. There was no signs of anything being left, no galaxies, no stars, no planets, no souls, nothing. This was in its own way, worse than Death.

She sighed once more as she contemplated her next step.

Heaven  itself had somewhat been easy to keep the same considering it was  filled with Kami's essence. As long as she didn't exert to much of her  own power while in Heaven, it would revert back to the way it was.

Prayers, that  was a fun business to deal with. She tried to give mortals everything  they wanted, thinking Kami would do the same. She then found out by the  angels that Kami didn't answer to prayers along those lines. However, it didn't seem to matter since again, anything she gave them would inevitably  be nothing. She started noticing that from that point belief in Kami  had begun declining as many mortals were not getting their prayers  answered properly. Since she had taken over and told the angels to back  off, much of the prayers were now floating in the air with no response.

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