Chapter Seventeen: The feeling you get when you're so close to the finish line.

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Short I know, but it's good enough. I'll do a dedication later. But anywasy here you go! (:

This is dedicated to Stormwolf101 because when we messaged, she was very inspirational and helped with some stuff I needed too involving this story. So thank you and hope you like the dedication :)


I armed myself with weapons. I assembled an assault rifle. I placed two Glock 4 pistols on the holders on my side. I placed an M-4 to the side and put two knives into my boots. I slipped a small sewing knife into a band on my long sleeve shirt. I was dressed in my similar action clothes.

“I know we’re supposed to take down this next drug bust butt I hate to be a damper of bad news.” Alexia said.

What is this bad news you’re talking about Alexia?” I stated while gritting my teeth. I sent her a look.

“Well it’s not exactly bad news, more like stating a fact.”

“What the hell is it!?” I exclaimed getting annoyed with her.

“We haven’t been to cheerleading practice in a few months. Our friends miss us. Hell, I’m pretty sure we haven’t been in school in a while.”

“Well, right now I don’t care Alexia. One, cheerleading is most definitely not one of our top priorities. Only reason we joined was to keep tabs on Lacey. Two, we don’t have friends. We have each other and the bureau and that’s it. Three, school doesn’t matter for people who don’t go to school. We spend our lives killing people for a living.” I snapped at her.  She just huffed and walked away from me.  I sigh running a hand through my hair catching it on a knot. I yanked out the small knot, slightly wincing from the pain. I began French braiding the side of my hair. I grabbed the rest of my hair and the French braided sections and pulled it into a ponytail.

“Are you ready?” She asked.

“Yes, yes I am.” I said and slipped out the door following her.

“Someone is going to die tonight,” Alexia says while looking at me. We stood outside an office where another deal was going down at. I gave Alexia a sideways glance. She gave me one of her own and repeated what she said.

“I heard what you said,” I said, while twisting a rubber band around my wrist a few times and then left it alone.

“So what do you think of what I said?” She said, giving me another sideways glance and then turning back towards the office.

“I think that if someone does die tonight, then so be it. It is what it is.” I said, giving her yet another look and then cocked my gun. I opened the door to the office. An attendant stood up from the desk.

“Um, can I help you?”

“Yes you can. We’re looking forward a man named… Libson.” I give her a pointed look. She gulps, trying to hide her nervousness.

“Um, there is no Libson here. I am so very sorry to inconvenience you.” I clicked the safety off on the gun and held it next to my leg.

“Here, let me ask again. We are looking for a guy named Libson.” I said, my tone underlying a hint that I was just a bit annoyed.

“Um,” The girl said again. I pointed my gun at her, getting more than just a bit annoyed. I placed my finger on the trigger, slightly hovering over it.

“Again, for the second time let me ask the question again. We are looking for. A man named Libson. Do you, you incompetent and stupidly annoying little girl, know where he is?” I ask, again my tone leaning on completely pissed off.

“Um,” She started again.

“Oh fuck this bullshit.” Alexia says as she reaches for her own gun and points it towards the direction of the girl and cocking it. She sneered at the girl, who finally gained a back bone and pulled a gun of her own.

“Libson is busy at the moment. So, now the both of you need to leave.”

Again, Alexia sneered at the girl. “Screw this,” She muttered and then pulled the trigger. She had a silencer on her gun so the sound that “echoed” was like a bee hitting a wall or a moth hitting a light bulb.

“Let’s go,” I said, walking towards the door at the far end of the hallway. We both pulled out our AK47s and busted down the door. We fired off rounds, killing off guards. A bunch of innocent people began screaming, trying to get cover. We both hid behind a desk that was standing in the room and continued firing.

We made our way to where a group of people were huddled on the ground, trying to save their own selves.

“Don’t move,” I told them. They nodded, scared and frightened. Some even looked nervous, as if they thought were going to be hauled off to jail, seeing as they were buying illegal drugs and all. I mean some of the drugs they probably had on them were the usual. You know, crack and pot. But some of it, now that was a different story, it was the drugs that were even worse than those. They were the typed that no one really knew the symptoms to or even how bad they really were.

“Can we ever get a break with these bitches?” I hear Lacey’s voice say, a short distance from me. I give her a pointed look and tell her that if anyone is a bitch in this room it’s her. She scoffs at me and then whispers into Allen’s ear which makes him chuckle softly. I send them both confused looks but recover quickly and putting on an emotionless mask.

“Well, if we’re done playing secrets don’t make friends but friends make secrets let’s get this over with. Now,” Alexia says as she charges for a guard in front of her, instantly snapping his neck and moving on to the others.

“I want her to die this time.” I hear a voice similar to Lacey’s say as she walks up to me and send a roundhouse punch to my jaw. I wasn’t expecting it.

My body drooped a little bit. I recovered and lifted my knee ramming it into her stomach. When she bent over, holding her stomach. I grabbed her head and slammed her head onto it. Undoubtedly breaking some bones, especially her nose. She fell to the ground, lying on her back. She wiped her nose with the back of her hand.

“What,” I sighed, as I pulled out my gun, clicking off the safety and pointing my gun at Lacey. She wiped more blood onto her nose, trying to stop the blood that continued to gush from her nose. “What happened to you?”

“I grew up. After you left, I had to grow up.” She sneered.

I shook my head in a jerking motion. “No, you didn’t,” I sighed another time. “You didn’t have to resort to this. You didn’t have to resort to selling drugs and ruining people’s life. I mean what the hell? You were the co-lead on the cheer team. We were close to being sophomores, to being in the next grade and that much closer to owning the school. As if it weren’t bad enough that you’re selling drugs to people and ruining their lives. I mean, come on!?”

“Oh shut up Liza! I don’t give a rat’s ass about any of that. My best friend left me alone in a world where if you’re not a sarcastic bitch, you don’t survive. So you know what I did? I joined in on this whole shindig when Liam asked and I absolutely love it. You hear me, I love it. So you can shove all that bullshit up your,”

“I’m done with all this Lacey. I’m tired of it all.” I said, my final straw snapping. I pulled the trigger and flying a bullet into Lacey’s skull.

After sometime, Alexia and I were hurrying out of the building.

“I told you someone was going to die today.” Alexia said. I growled a shut up and continued to head towards the house.

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