Chapter Fourteen: Fate Has A Way Of Screwing You Over

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A/N: Sorry for this being so short. I have been putting off this chapter for so long. And on Microsoft word it's 3 pages but on here it's 1. So sorry for the shortness either way. I had some serious writers block on this chapter and I just had to get it out there so I can continue the plot and finally get to the climax, which some of you probably thought we already reached but havent.

Well anyways i promise, to make the next chapter over 5 pages. :) I pinky swear!! Well, here ya go. Make sure you vote and everything!

To the left of the screen is Bradley Cooper who I choose to play, in my mind of course, the infamous Chairman who has no name. ---> Well yeah follow the arrow!


I stared at Alexia, as she stared back at me and we circled around each other.

“Why are you doing this Alexia?” I asked, as I side stepped to the left just as she lunged toward me. I watched as she stumbled, recollected herself and then turned towards me again. There was an undeniable fury burning within her eyes.

“‘Cause, The Chairman, he screwed us over.” She sneered.

“So, we all knew that! We all knew that going in! We all knew he was taking us away from our previous life!” I shrieked at her.

“No! No, none of us knew that Liza! None of us knew that, none us knew that our parents would have to fake that we were dead or had ran away, just to go kill people for a living. I mean, yeah you have great benefits but that doesn’t hide our guilt. It doesn’t hide the fact that we are cold blooded murders and we’re all just brain washed.” She shrieked which made me drop my hands from my fighting stance and covered my ears. Just as I did that, I felt my body being dropped to the ground. God this bitch was heavy.

I pushed her off and back kicked myself back to my feet. I squared up and looked at Alexia as she got up from the ground.

“They’re still looking at us, we have to turn it up a notch.” Alexia said in my ear. I nodded, grabbed her hand and twisted it so her face was facing in the direction of the ground. I grabbed her head as she groaned in pain and rammed my knee into her stomach.

“Not that much,” She sneered.

“What? You said turn it up a notch, so this is me doing exactly that.” I smiled innocently at her, which made her quickly roll her eyes and then run towards me. I braced for the impact of getting tackled but never felt it. I looked up to find Alexia dangling from a pipe that ran low and swinging her legs. I blinked and before I knew it I was on the ground clutching my nose with dear life.

“What the hell Alexia? That was my nose!” I growled at her as I nursed my nose to stop the bleeding.

“What? I said to turn it up a notch.” She smiled innocently and I growled again at her. She had a look of mock terror on her face.

“Oh, it’s on.” I said.

“Like Donkey Kong,” She said smirking.


After a while of Alexia and I fighting, the guards had stopped fighting and Alexia and I were pretty bruised and scratched up.

I had snuck outside with her, and we were headed toward the exit. We had just made it to the door, when I heard a gun cock.Alexia and I turned with our hands up.

“Oh, I’m not sure I can let you do that Liza?” Liam said. “I mean you got away from us once, I don’t think we need a repeat. And, Alexia, tsk tsk, helping the enemy. How, traitorous of you.” He said, and pointed the gun towards us.

“Are you going to kill me like this Liam? I mean, in cold blood, when I don’t have a chance, a chance to fight back.” I said.

“Oh, it’s not you I intend on killing today. Actually it’s neither of you. But of course, I said today, it’s not like it won’t happen. Because, trust me, it sure as hell will and I shall enjoy every single bit of it.” He smiled eerily and waved the gun at us and walked away like nothing happened.

Alexia and I left the building slowly, walking three blocks on guard until finally we gave up and ran.

Why didn’t Liam kill me? What kind of game was he playing? I thought, as Alexia and I had just reached the house. I looked at Liam’s house and noticed all the cars were gone, including our parents old  ’97 ford suburban.

Liam was playing a game, and I planned on figuring out exactly what that was.

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